
Nationally Certified Wannabe
Not in the least. Why do you ask?

And why don't you answer my question?

Just felt that way. Trying to spark a debate on a subject of comparison between alcohol and opiate addiction, isn't what I'd expected you to do. Glad you're feeling ok though :)

Carlos Danger

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
Just felt that way. Trying to spark a debate on a subject of comparison between alcohol and opiate addiction, isn't what I'd expected you to do. Glad you're feeling ok though :)

I have no interest in having a debate over anything so obvious. The point is that if you meant what you wrote in the post that I first quoted, you have a serious lack of understanding of the facts surrounding drug and alcohol abuse.


Forum Ride Along
This is exactly what I needed to read. I have bipolar disorder and a hx of drug abuse in the past. It's important to surround you love you. it's a struggle. But it can be strong. Message me if you ever want to talk. It will help us both out. Stay safe brother

Glad my story could be of some help man, stay strong. If you ever feel like you need a break from EMS to deal with mental health or addiction issues, there is no shame in taking one then coming back to it later, thats what I have been doing the past few months. Definitely better to do that rather than risk getting in trouble or getting yourself or someone else hurt because of either substance abuse and/or mental health problems. I'm happy to say I'm starting back up in a few weeks at a new company in the Boston area! I think mental health and addiction problems (whether it be something like heroin or even alcohol) are alot more prevalent in healthcare overall than alot of people realize. With all the tough skin needed to survive in this line of work, people tend to not talk about it at all until its too late. So I'm definitely an advocate for more awareness and support for all providers mental health.

Message me if you ever wanna chat man.

sack jears

Forum Crew Member
Thanks man. Stay strong brother
Glad my story could be of some help man, stay strong. If you ever feel like you need a break from EMS to deal with mental health or addiction issues, there is no shame in taking one then coming back to it later, thats what I have been doing the past few months. Definitely better to do that rather than risk getting in trouble or getting yourself or someone else hurt because of either substance abuse and/or mental health problems. I'm happy to say I'm starting back up in a few weeks at a new company in the Boston area! I think mental health and addiction problems (whether it be something like heroin or even alcohol) are alot more prevalent in healthcare overall than alot of people realize. With all the tough skin needed to survive in this line of work, people tend to not talk about it at all until its too late. So I'm definitely an advocate for more awareness and support for all providers mental health.

Message me if you ever wanna chat man.