Progressive EMS Reform Bills in Congress! - EMS ADVOCACY


Forum Captain
Where the speed limit is 75 (or higher) going 77 L&S while people blow by you? Likewise 77 in a 45 is unnecessary, should be sliding scale based on speed limit.


Crowd pleaser
The emphasis placed on what alphabet agency is a bit overblown. The fact is that it is time for a change in EMS. This is overhaul and evolution. From high above, and I am allllll about it. Let the politicians and administrators worry about who or what department we fall under. This is a pivotal measure that if unsuccessful, will likely seal EMS in the concrete we've been in since its creation.

While I agree that HHS is more fitting I do have mixed feelings; however, if we want to be taken seriously DHS is a little more eye grabbing and will provide exorbitant funding. And guess what?... All those cool toys and pay scales that the FD and PD has... That's right, it will trickle down (probably not at first) to EMS.

This is the first step.. We're just trying to get from the Mesozoic Era to the Paleozoic Era. We all know how slow change is in our industry, yet this is a leap forward.


Crowd pleaser
Furthermore. Contact your Senators and Congressional Representative.

I have done the ground work for you.
The link will assist you in finding yours.

Take 6 minutes to email your 2 Senators and 1 Rep, and be a part of the solution instead of idling by.

Tell them to support H.R.809 - Field EMS Quality, Innovation, and Cost Effectiveness Improvements Act of 2013.

Lets gain traction.... 6 minutes. Do it.


Critical Crazy
While I agree that HHS is more fitting I do have mixed feelings; however, if we want to be taken seriously DHS is a little more eye grabbing and will provide exorbitant funding. And guess what?... All those cool toys and pay scales that the FD and PD has... That's right, it will trickle down (probably not at first) to EMS.

How the hell do you figure? TSA agents aren't getting rich.


Crowd pleaser
I'd venture to say we will never get rich at this. We have a lot more in common with the Fire and Police agencies than with TSA. We also have more, shall I say, validity in terms of actually performing a necessary function. Certainly as an important variable in healthcare.

The funding and grants that would become more openly available to EMS would be significant IMO. Especially as health care continues to climb the ladder of public opinion and attention. I presume the government types may do what they almost always do: throw money at it. It's a piece of this gargantuan puzzle my friend. There are many variables and facets to take into consideration. However, progress it is.
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