Which Bay Area IFT company should I work for


Forum Ride Along
Hi all so I just got my EMT license and am looking for a job. I’ve applied to Eagle ambulance, bay medic and NORCAL. Eagle and NorCal offer 21 an hour while bay medic offers 22 an hour. So far my gut feeling is that I should work for Eagle but I’m wondering if anyone knows which company is the best to work for.


The New Beach Medic
I used to work in the Bay Area. In my opinion, there isn't anything that makes one stand out more than the other. I think if you closed your eyes and picked at random, you'd be happy with whatever the EMS Gods chose for you. If you want to pick, that's totally fine too.

E tank

Caution: Paralyzing Agent
King American in SF has been around the longest. I think still pretty well regarded as far as the privates go.


Community Leader
I have not heard of Eagle, but I have heard of Bay Medic and Norcal Ambulance. I personally don’t think you can go wrong with either one of those. As far as Eagle is concerned, I really don’t know. But that all being said, you could probably do just fine throwing darts at any of those three and whichever one wins. Private ambulance companies are very much an interesting group to work with. It really doesn’t matter which one you work for, they all pretty much do the same things for the same reasons. They all will seem a bit shady at times. They’re trying to make a profit where the margins are pretty slim. If they don’t at least break even, their business dies. I work for a private Ambulance company that has a presence in many bay area and several central California counties, it is not AMR, I will give you that much! No, I will not say which one I work for, partly, because I do not want to bias you toward or away from this company , but rather, I want you to take a look at all of them to see which one of them is appropriate for your situation. I happen to be a CCT nurse.

The difference between $21 and $22 per hour isn’t much in the end. If one company offers better bennies overall, that might be a better option. Bennies are important!


Community Leader
King American in SF has been around the longest. I think still pretty well regarded as far as the privates go.
KA has been around for a very long time. You don’t stick around for a long time without doing something right, and yes, they’re reasonably well-regarded. I dare say, better than most, at least back when I was more familiar with them. (Never was an employee there.)