Where in the country...?


Forum Probie
Just out of curiosity, where in the country are the highest paying EMT/Paramedic jobs? What cities are best for the job market?


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
I would think that pay would probably be dependent on an area's living wage/standard of living. Because of that, I'd imagine that urban New York and California would have high wages.

You really need to find a place that has a high pay relative to one's standard of living. I may make $5,000 less a year teaching in a tiny community vs. an urban area, but I'm able to afford a far better lifestyle living in the rural area.

In order to make the most money in EMS, I'd suggest:
1. Getting your EMT-Paramedic license.
2. Getting at least an associates degree, if not BA/BS degree.
3. Get trained/certified as a Firefighter.
4. Be great at what you do. Being good just doesn't cut it these days.

That will give you the best ability to compete for the highest paying jobs.


Forum Deputy Chief
Ah yes we can all dream......:D


Forum Lieutenant
Just out of curiosity, where in the country are the highest paying EMT/Paramedic jobs? What cities are best for the job market?

JEMS does an annual "Salary Survey". I believe southwest wins all the time.

Cost of living is important, as mentioned by MMiz. NYC pays fairly high for 911, but living here is quite expensive.

I'll also agree that you should research the system where you plan to work and come up with a plan to advance yourself within that system. These specific suggestions wouldn't be great advice in NYC, for instance.

Oh, except #4, that's universal!!


EMS Guru
As well be sure to check the benefits programs. If one has to pay for insurance, uniforms, education.. the pay over -all may not be that great. Definitely look at cost of living... It does not matter if you are making a 6 figure income, if one has to pay half that much for rent..etc.

R/r 911


Airfield Operations
This is probably more on the side of "Intangible Benefits", but don't forget that pay is more than the figures to the right of the $ sign on your paycheck. While I know that the pay for my position as Airport Firefighter/EMT is less here in the relative backwaters of the South than in the more urban areas of the country, I also don't have to lock my doors at night, my 42 mile commute to work is under an hour, and I have an owl nesting in the trees in my backyard. I grew up in Cleveland, so I've known the urban life too, and frankly, I don't miss it. While living here is like living in the Devil's kitchen in the summertime, I've not owned or needed a snow shovel in over two decades, and my kids and grandchildren are a few minutes drive away. Don't chase the armored car to the highest pay in the country, because you might find the cost of having all those big numbers on your check is higher than you think. ;)
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