What to do?


Forum Crew Member
.....I'm enjoying my EMT-Basic class so far, the instructor is great and he strongly encourages us to ask questions and is really focused on teaching us, rather then just giving us just enough information to pass the NREMT......

I've been looking at different threads and I get see that there's an good deal of pessimism revolving around EMT-Basics/Intermediates even Paramedics..since there are so many people that use it as a 'stepping stone' and don't really care to actually educate themselves and have a strong grasp on the material, that they want to get their certification as quickly as possible, etc, etc...
I will say that I do aspire to become a P.A., but I also want to become a Paramedic and hold a degree in EMS...so I was wondering what would be the best way to go about doing this? I have two more years of Undergraduate school left and I was wondering if it would be the right decision to integrate 1 or 2 classes (From the EMS degree) into my University courseload until I graduate and can focus full time on EMS? For instance I would take 4-5 Classes towards my Biology Major and 1-2 Classes towards EMS ....is this a realistic..or would I just be overwhelming myself?