Volunteer or Paid ?


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I have just got certified as a NREMT-B yesterday and am now starting the job hunt. My goal is to work full time in EMS as a EMT-B. Once i get some experience next september i will start my paramedic program while working as a B. My question is while in the process should i join a volunteer company NOW to gain the exper. or just wait until i land a job? I want to gain some exper. but if a PAID job comes in while im in the process of starting volunteering i rather have my time on a paid rig. Tough choice thanks

volunteer now, i started volunteering with a 911 service, then landed my job about 2 weeks later, and i continue to do both, great experience and the volunteer experience looks great on resumes
What tssemt2010 said. Work as a volunteer now, and you will keep up your skills while you hunt for a paid job.
Everyone has their own opinions and I respect that. But my advice is do what you can get no matter what.

Work in a 911 service or even transport. Volunteer wherever you can as much as you can. Especially if your going to go to Medic School. I think the more experience the easier the course will be for you. Before I went to Medic School I volunteered at a 911 EMS station at least 48 hours a week. Night shifts when volunteering are great. Not much time out of your schedule and you still get the sleep. The place I volunteer at also doesn't discriminate, just as many calls at night as they get during the day.

Any experience is good experience you will soon learn.
Thanks everyone so far who made a reply. I've decided to sign up to volunteer while looking for a job it is a 911 volunteer. Thanks for the help!

My guess would be you'll enjoy the volunteer work and find it more rewarding than the paid work, and will likely continue that if the politics aren't bad or you can put up with them.
I'd never do this job as a volunteer, but, you're entitled to your opinion.
I'd never do this job as a volunteer, but, you're entitled to your opinion.

I don't think he's aiming to do it as a volunteer forever--just to get experience until he finds a paid position. I'm planning to do the same.
You have nothing to loose volunteering. Go for it. If you get a job great if not it will give you an opportunity to network.
I wish my area had volunteers, I think they are more prevalent out by the Berkshires. Good luck!
Yes my goal is to work and make a career with EMS as stated in the post above. I want to gain experince while looking and the extra experince one day / wk can't hurt when your fresh from class. Thank you for the feedback. I know alot of emt/paramedic even my instructor still volunteers
volunteering got me my paid job. volunteering got me the experience to get the paid job. volunteering has given me enough con ed to network to get job offers after emt refresher courses.

many people/most people stop volunteering once they get hired full time on a busy 911 services. Most places won't hire you full time unless you have 1 to 2 years experience.

good luck
Being in a volunteer organization is a great way to get experience and learn how to be an EMT. Make sure you make the most of it to learn and ask questions.
i started off volunteering with a very busy paid als truck. my town had a volunteer bls service that wouldnt accept me until i turned 18. when i finally was old enough i volunteered with my towns bls and also got a per diem emt job at a neighboring town bls day crew. i volunteered with the als for over a year before there program was closed due to liability risk now they only accept students. and my home town i only was there for two weeks before i had the shats of the politics and the cliques that were in it. now i work for a increasingly busy als company as a full time emt and i am in paramedic school.

so i wish you the best of luck on the job hunt and also enjoy volunteering. i have been volunteering for the past five years and its always been a great expierience builder.
i started off volunteering, once i gained experience and gained a working relationship with other agencies, i was hired onto a paid dept..
I get paid for the work I do in the NHS, but I volunteer for St John Ambulance

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