The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

My Intro

I chose Ironman for a profile name but I'm female.

It's because I did a 70.3 Ironman back in '09 in Kona.
Was bullied for being a late bloomer. I am still petite, (5'4, 115) but not letting that stop me pursuing what I want.
I like intensity. I am intense. Some people say not as intense as I'd like to think.
35 yrs old, people say I look 24. M.A in Counselling Psychology. Went to Haiti after earthquake in 2010, did some portrait counselling (I can draw your face), and learned a massive amount about perspective, hunger and true community while there. Cholera broke out second time to Haiti. Haitians started dying within 24-48 of ingesting the contaminant. Stuck in infected waters in the back of a pick up trying to rescue people from the jaws of death. Went to Mozambique in 2011 and got falciparum malaria on the flight from Africa to Haiti after 2 months there. Got air evac'd to Miami hospital. Doc's didn't know how to treat the disease, googled it. Got some quinine, and prayer, and survived. Insurance didn't cover medical bills completely so got slapped with $98,610. Cried. Prayed. Several months later I call the hospital and a woman tells me my DEBT was PAID. True story. That said, I still like wild rides.

Ps. My only sibling (brother) killed himself 8 yrs ago. It was by train and his body was destroyed. I've always been curious about helping suicide victims and those left behind since then.

EMS sounds like an environment in which I would thrive. I start a 3 week EMR course on January 13, 2014

Anyways, nice to meet you all. Any pre-EMS advice I can get would be great.
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Hi All,
I am Mrs. Medic. I have worked in rural North Florida for 4 years, 2 as an EMT and 2 as a Paramedic. I am also an adjunct instructor at a local community college, shaping the minds of aspiring EMT's. I love my job and hope to always keep learning and teaching others what I have learned!
ER Ambulance

Has anyone had any experience with ER Ambulance in San Diego. I found several negative posts but they were 2-3 years old. I found negative posts for many other ambulance comapanies so not sure if ER is better/worse than others out there. Thanks.
ER Ambulance

Has anyone had any experience with ER Ambulance in San Diego. I found several negative posts but they were 2-3 years old. I found negative posts for many other ambulance companies so not sure if ER is better/worse than others out there. Thanks.

Hello everyone,

I'm an EMT-Basic from CT/RI, currently in the clinical phase of paramedic school. I am also a CPR instructor and working towards my EMS instructor certification.

I work on a municipal ambulance and teach when I am not working.

Off duty, I'm an avid surfer, swimmer, and runner. I also run my own website that manages CPR/EMS classes online.
Hello from the Mitten!

Hello Everyone!

I am a 32yo, Male, EMT-B Student. I am starting EMT-B school this coming March and am very excited. I am currently working in a project management role in a large West Michigan company in the biotech industry as my 'day job' and knocking out pre-requisite courses for application to Physician Assistant school at night school in community college. I'm thru most 'common' PA program pre-req courses, and am now down to needing to accrue a 'heaping pile' of patient contact hours, hence pursuing EMT / EMT-P such that I can do that evenings / weekends while I save money to finance PA school.

I am prior service Army (MOS 09S) and was headed into Civil Affairs and ultimately to MEDCOM but sadly my slot fell victim to sequestration cut(s) and I was discharged - hardest day of my life (so far).

I enjoy an outdoor / active / healthy lifestyle and look forward to meeting other folks with the same interests. I'm really glad to have this community as a resource and look forward to talking with anyone and everyone - please feel more than free to send me a message!
Hello everyone!

My name is Jamie. I am a 31 year old female living in NYS. I am a small business co-owner, and am well known within our small, rural, community. I have a strong attachment to "my" community and the people in it. Helping people is something makes up a big part of who I am, especially "my" people. I understand in EMS this can be my greatest strength as well as my biggest flaw. I do almost all the computer work (I'm somewhat of a computer geek), most of the behind the scenes work, and am the baker for the business.

After being made aware of a need in our small, rural district by the Captain of EMS I know through church I decided to start CFR course later this month. I had to be voted in as a member into our volunteer fire department. Last week after figuring out transportation and scheduling issues due to family life, I decided to drop CFR and take the EMT-B course instead, which starts on the 22nd. I have no previous experience in EMS or fire but I do feel this is something I am meant to do. I have had a sense of peace since deciding to proceed with this.

I went on my first ride along last night. I didn't feel excited, nervous, or frightened. It wasn't anything bloody or crazy. I am doing a rig check with the Captain tomorrow. I've also had a thorough walk-thru of the ambulance and the computer system used for reports, in addition to the the normal things related to going to a call, the protocol at the hospital, and once we returned to the FD. I am open for more ride alongs, and will be doing most of my running at night or on the weekends.

I look forward to getting to know you all and gleaning knowledge from the forum.
My name is Paul (24 yom), and I'm a volunteer EMT-B in Central VA. I've lurked for a while but I created an account to post something I ended up not posting. I know there's an animus against volunteer EMS on here, so sorry in advance for depressing your wages. I went to college - not for healthcare, my job is in management - but I enjoy volunteering my nights and occasional weekends. I haven't decided whether I want to expend the time and energy required to upgrade my certifications, and the thought of inserting an IV makes me nervous, but my squad wants me to. Like everywhere else, most of the stuff we get in my area is of the non-life-threatening variety, so it's a matter of keeping people calm. I really enjoy patient contact, and yes, I love running lights and sirens (they called it sirencide in EVOC). I haven't been doing this long enough that it isn't still cool to roll up on scene in an ambulance - though I certainly hope that's a feeling that never goes away. I'm proud of how I spend [some of] my free time, and that's what matters to me.

First and last post? Possibly.
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I will be a volunteer EMT-B, which I clearly state in my signature. If people don't like or accept it they can suck it as far as I'm concerned.

I don't judge people for getting paid for doing something I will eventually be doing with no financial gain. Money was never my motivator, meeting a need within my community and helping "my" people are. Maybe one day I will be a paid EMT, but right now, it is what it is and I'm totally OK with that. If I'm not welcome here because of that I will find a different EMT forum "home". Simple as that.
24 year old, retired army and EMT from Michigan. Also do reserve work in law enforcement. Been browsing this site for awhile now, finally created an account. Looking to meet some new people.
Hello all,

I work as a security contractor/medic. I joined this site to learn more and share info with other professionals. Great site.

present. paramedic. BS biochemistry that I don't use & hardly remember. BA psychology that's no more useful than good manners & street smarts. carry on these aren't the droids you're looking for
Hello, new forum member here. I am not in the EMS field although I will admit to an interest in medicine, including veterinary medicine. My age? Old. No, really...very old. I'm a writer of short stories, essays, and novels, and am a published author, both traditionally and independently. I'm working on a novel currently set in Queens, NYC and involves a paramedic who runs into some supernatural realities that he has a difficult time accepting. For the sake of authenticity, I've been researching online for onscene treatment protocols and don't find that mind-boggling although you and I both know I could use some help there. Primarily, I'm having a problem uncovering (and understanding) dispatching procedures and communications. Chimpie suggested that I join the forum and pose questions in a thread. Any help would be appreciated. Hope to talk with you later.
Hi Everyone

Just starting my EMT-B course. Looking forward to learning everything and hopefully coming aboard and ambulance crew afterward. Glad I found this site, seems like a great place. WOO!
Hi people, been lurking for a while, figure I'd introduce myself. I'm from the Hudson Valley, NY.

I'm a new Paramedic, being a EMT-B for three years before that, volunteer BLS, ER Tech, and start a medic job next weekl. Nice to meet you people.
Starting my EMT-B class in April, doing lots of research, and prepping for nursing pre-reqs. My goal is to specialize in emergency/trauma as an NP; I took an EMT class about 7 years ago and loved it, so I thought this might be a great way for me to get some experience while I work toward my master's. Currently in the Boston metro area, but by next year will be looking to the West Coast!
Intro Madcow


I am Active Duty Air Force near Spokane Wa. I do a little flying with the Huey's that are out here. I recently passed the NREMT earlier this week. I hope to start Paramedic training as soon as I can find a reputable school that can work with my schedule. Right now it looks like online is my only option.

I would like to become EMT-B certified this spring.
I am graduating soon with a Bachelor's of Science in biological sciences; my background is in research, and I have basic professional rescuer certifications.
My long term goal is to become a physician's assistant (PA).
From my exposure to emergency medicine I am interested and like what it offers.
I enjoy a challenge and learning as much as I can, particularly in science and medicine, especially when I can actually apply it, and the opportunity for further training and education.

I would like to become EMT-B certified this spring.
I am graduating soon with a Bachelor's of Science in biological sciences; my background is in research, and I have basic professional rescuer certifications.
My long term goal is to become a physician's assistant (PA).
From my exposure to emergency medicine I am interested and like what it offers.
I enjoy a challenge and learning as much as I can, particularly in science and medicine, especially when I can actually apply it, and the opportunity for further training and education.

If your long-term goal is to become a PA, I'd say that you should simply finish your studies and go for it if you're close to completing your Bachelor's. If you still have some time before you're done with your current educational plan, doing EMT won't be horrible... just very basic.

Please don't take my advice as an attempt to discourage you from becoming an EMT, rather take it as advice to not slow yourself down in your quest to become a PA. Sometimes becoming an EMT results in an educational detour...