the 100% directionless thread

Carlos Danger

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
Hmm sometimes I think it would be pretty cool to be a Perfusionist. Schooling actually is pretty reasonable.

Make sure you shadow a few. IMO the employment options are very limited compared to your other potential career paths.

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
Me and the girl might be headed up your way for a couple day trip. She's warming up to the Wilco idea and wants to see if we can see ATC and Wilco stations and wander around

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Just let me know when. I can show you my station and we can go grab a beer!

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Californian, Lost in Texas
I'm looking around for a place to do my Master's degree. Not sure in exactly what but I like public health


ex-Parole officer/EMT
I'm looking around for a place to do my Master's degree. Not sure in exactly what but I like public health
MHA?? i think with a Health admin masters you have a few extra doors open.
Theres health informatics if that tickles your fancy. Or

If i may poke, what was your Bachelors in? And i'd presume you want to stay in healthcare?


Forum Deputy Chief
I'm looking around for a place to do my Master's degree. Not sure in exactly what but I like public health

Depends on what you're looking to do. I'm looking at an MBA/MPH combined degree program (if I decide to go to graduate school full time), myself.

A MHA is an interesting degree - the only issue is that it more or less pigeonholes you into healthcare, while an MBA is broader. An MPH is similarly limiting, one could plausibly argue.

Another note - MHA programs seem quite similar to MPH programs when the MPH has a focus/concentration in healthcare management.



Forum Deputy Chief
And my second 24 no hitter this rotation.

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You can come to my was a good night 'cuz we got a solid 3 hour block of sleep (0300-0600)before getting called to the Metro station across the street from the hospital because someone got bilateral 10/10 sharp foot pain whilst trying to walk to the hospital....only as we're getting ready to clear, dispatch asking us if we can cover, well it's time for shift change, sure, we'll head back to station real fast so we clear, and they give us the 911 call at the hospitals recuperative care center on the campus, just down the parking lot from the ER for a cancer patient in pain since last night (get back to the ER only for them to tell us he was here last night for said chronic pain....and apparently 911 to go from one end of the hospital to the other is the only way he will get treated according to pt) so now, passed scheduled off time we're holding the wall because the ER is already that busy at 0715 (either that or we just got lost in the shuffle of the ER staffs shift change) not frustrated at all.......


Forum Deputy Chief
@Jim37F, and here I was thinking LA had Ubers everywhere...I guess Medicaid doesn't pay for Uber ;)


Forum Deputy Chief
@Jim37F, and here I was thinking LA had Ubers everywhere...I guess Medicaid doesn't pay for Uber ;)
I literally asked our guy why he didn't call Uber (right after inquiring about why he was there at 7pm night before and what difference he expected 11 hours later).....the answer I got was "Man why you gotta ask me all these questions? That's not even patient care related!"

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
I literally asked our guy why he didn't call Uber (right after inquiring about why he was there at 7pm night before and what difference he expected 11 hours later).....the answer I got was "Man why you gotta ask me all these questions? That's not even patient care related!"

As frustrating as it is I have a soft spot for cancer patients and will pretty much dump my drug box on them if they want me to.

**** I gave a lady in a 10mph rear end collision 150 mcg of IN fent yesterday for her 7/10 neck pain. Granted she had a history of cervical problems.

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Forum Deputy Chief
"Man why you gotta ask me all these questions? That's not even patient care related!"

Translation: Man, Uber expects cash up front!


Californian, Lost in Texas
@Nys, I actually have a Bachelor's in education focused on adult education and workforce development and will have a Bachelor's in healthcare administration in about 3 months, on top of my associate's in paramedicine and UMBC's non-credit CCEMTP course. I really really enjoy teaching, but I also would like the opportunity to really manage a place and make it not suck from the ground up. I really don't know exactly what I want to do when I grow up.

With that being said, I think that I would be very interested in education. Perhaps a MS-ed?


Family Guy
@Nys, I actually have a Bachelor's in education focused on adult education and workforce development and will have a Bachelor's in healthcare administration in about 3 months, on top of my associate's in paramedicine and UMBC's non-credit CCEMTP course. I really really enjoy teaching, but I also would like the opportunity to really manage a place and make it not suck from the ground up. I really don't know exactly what I want to do when I grow up.

With that being said, I think that I would be very interested in education. Perhaps a MS-ed?
Have you thought about flight? You can find the right program that suits your needs protocol-wise, and work your way up to a CBS, and then base management position.

Typically, at the local level, it seems like less overhead as most bases have their own CBS, and base manager respectively.

You can also alway segue into an educational role either at a base, or into an actual EMS department, or program. Though I'm sure you could land a role as such now without much difficulty.


Californian, Lost in Texas
Have you thought about flight? You can find the right program that suits your needs protocol-wise, and work your way up to a CBS, and then base management position.

Typically, at the local level, it seems like less overhead as most bases have their own CBS, and base manager respectively.

You can also alway segue into an educational role either at a base, or into an actual EMS department, or program. Though I'm sure you could land a role as such now without much difficulty.

Per my wife, my feet stay on the ground. Plus I really don't like helos. Fixed-wing I could do.


ex-Parole officer/EMT
@Nys, I actually have a Bachelor's in education focused on adult education and workforce development and will have a Bachelor's in healthcare administration in about 3 months, on top of my associate's in paramedicine and UMBC's non-credit CCEMTP course. I really really enjoy teaching, but I also would like the opportunity to really manage a place and make it not suck from the ground up. I really don't know exactly what I want to do when I grow up.

With that being said, I think that I would be very interested in education. Perhaps a MS-ed?

My understanding of a Masters degree is it should be left semi-broad, and it should be in a field that a masters vastly separates you from a bachelors. I've only been in the adult workforce for about 5 years so I personally am still trying to figure that out, but here are the masters that i feel do that(these may not be applicable to you, me or whomever): Masters of accounting/accountancy(actuarial would be real life job i think), Masters of computer science(cyber advising for banks), Masters of Engineering, Masters in Health Administration, Masters in mathematical finance, and Masters in Nursing. **These are just what i have seen make a visible impact, not saying other masters degrees don't, not saying all other masters degrees are useless, this is my opinion**

MSN? My aunt is a nursing teacher(BSN A&P1 primarily) and she said (a while back*5 or so years*) that when she was getting her ducks in a row they preferred a Masters in the field, and a bachelors saying "yea you can teach". if that makes sense? So more field experience/degrees saying your above proficient in paramedicine/nursing/healthcare, and your B.S in education works.

If i may throw my 2 cents in, don't go into young adult education, too many hoops to jump through, My dad was actually a middle school math teacher, was teaching 28 years same grade same school, they "made" him get certified to teach 6-12(wasn't needed when he started) his retirement papers were on his principals desk the next day.

also to me(obviously im not in the education field) a M.S ED doesn't get you much further then a B.S degree does. A Ed.D has that extra kicker that in my opinion is what a graduate degree is all about.

If im not mistaken U albany has a Masters of health sciences degree idk what that entails, but maybe look there?
By place do you mean an EMS structure(like sheriffs office)? or Hospital?

If i was to ever go back and get a masters(which I'm not thinking I will) It will either be in nursing(working on BSN now) or computer science. Not in criminal Justice because i just don't see it doing all that much for me. Especially in todays day in age where you knowing somebody does more then a degree ever will.


Forum Deputy Chief
but I also would like the opportunity to really manage a place and make it not suck from the ground up

How about an MPA? Or if you're looking specifically at EMS and need to do it online, what about this guy?