Forum Ride Along
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Hey guys. Isn't necessarily only about Texas, but that's where I'll be working so if there are state-specific rules, I figured I'd ask about it specifically. I'm trying not to hijack any threads but I haven't seen this talked about specifically anywhere. I'm a canadian medic now transplanted to Texas and any day now I'll have my shiny new TDSHS license and finally get to start applying. I've been reading all the texas-related posts for a couple years now. I'm not tied to working in any one geographic spot, and I have a few favourites in mind. MCHD is the only service I know of that works the 24on/24off/24on/5off, which is the BEST work/life schedule I ever had and want it again, so they're my #1 on the list (for a couple reasons). Everything else seems mostly 24s and 48's.
Back home, we've pretty much stamped out shifts more than 12hrs, due to labour laws and safety and such. I have worked 24's, 48's for flights, but we would timeout at 14-16 hrs of service, and have mandatory 8hrs downtime. Which was sweet getting paid to have guaranteed sleeptime. Other services you would be placed on second-up or third-up status after working 12hrs, and then you just pray that both the other trucks dont go out while you're trying to sleep.
Is that how it works here? Do you have laws about working hours and rest time or can you potentially be taking calls for your entire 24hrs on? Surely you get some guaranteed sleep time for those pulling 48s, eh?
I'm not a priss, but I'm also not 20y/o anymore and my days of consistently screwing my circadian need to be more and more in my rearview than not. Thanks!
Back home, we've pretty much stamped out shifts more than 12hrs, due to labour laws and safety and such. I have worked 24's, 48's for flights, but we would timeout at 14-16 hrs of service, and have mandatory 8hrs downtime. Which was sweet getting paid to have guaranteed sleeptime. Other services you would be placed on second-up or third-up status after working 12hrs, and then you just pray that both the other trucks dont go out while you're trying to sleep.
Is that how it works here? Do you have laws about working hours and rest time or can you potentially be taking calls for your entire 24hrs on? Surely you get some guaranteed sleep time for those pulling 48s, eh?
I'm not a priss, but I'm also not 20y/o anymore and my days of consistently screwing my circadian need to be more and more in my rearview than not. Thanks!