Study Habbits


Forum Probie
I have been a lurker for a bit. Read a bunch of threads. A lot of you guys seem pretty smart, and knowledgable. I finished my Intermediate class and all my clinicals about a month ago, and I am very axiously waiting on the OK from my instructor to test. I have went back through my text, time and time again. Made study guides on top of study guides for myself, recorded my notes and listened to them in the car, typed out notes on the computer, and have wrote algorithms until I end up cross eyed. All to try and prepare for my test. I am in a lull though. I have got to where I dread to study. I begin my Paramedic in January, and I want to dip into that material very much so, but I feel I should focus on my upcoming test. Does anyone have any good study methods, or habbits that have helped them in the past? There are several several people on here that have endured more class time than me, so someone has to have a few good ideas when it comes to crackin' that ol' book.


Forum Lieutenant
Honestly, it sounds like you've got the studying down. All the methods you have used is what has helped me. The recordings and writing material over and over helped me best. Dont' stress it and try not to over analyze the material (thats my hugest issue, over analyzing)


Forum Deputy Chief
Understand your learning style. Also your age affects your learning. As we age information stays in short term memory longer before converting it to long term, so cramming is more effective in the older student.

I've found that multiple access to the information through different methods is what I need to make things stick. So, in class, I'd listen and perhaps tape lectures. At home, I'd transcribe the lectures into my computer. I'd print those notes out and then go over them with a highlighter and pencil to add in the notes I took in class. Also, when I would do the required reading, I kept some of those little page marker sticky notes handy. I'd mark stuff I needed clarification on so in class, I could be sure to get clear on that by the instructor.

We all learn differently and knowing what makes the information come alive and stick in the long term memory is half the battle.