student loan for paramedic school


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Im wanting to attend Paramedic school, but finances are an issue, especially since I live in a remote area that doesnt have a community college within a 200 mile radius. This means I have to relocate to go to school, which costs money and means giving up my job.

Is it feasible to get a student loan that pays for tuition and covers a good portion of living expenses while going to Paramedic school?

I'd have to find a new job that fits my school schedule, which could be problematic. Ive also heard people say its not wise to work too many hours since the classroom/study/clinical load will be great.

So basically a student loan sounds like the best(only) option as my GI bill is expired, and resurrecting it is like trying to raise the dead from what Ive heard, and I dont qualify for any FAFSA grants. I dont have kids to support, so thats not an issue.
your G.I. Bill is good for at least 10 years from your last date of discharge(IRR) from my understanding. Contact a VA rep from the community college, every college has one. He/She maybe able to help you. If not apply for veterans scholarships, and if all else fails... YES you can take out a student loan from a bank (if your credit does not suck) and pay for it that way if its at a college.
Im wanting to attend Paramedic school, but finances are an issue, especially since I live in a remote area that doesnt have a community college within a 200 mile radius. This means I have to relocate to go to school, which costs money and means giving up my job.

Is it feasible to get a student loan that pays for tuition and covers a good portion of living expenses while going to Paramedic school?

I'd have to find a new job that fits my school schedule, which could be problematic. Ive also heard people say its not wise to work too many hours since the classroom/study/clinical load will be great.

So basically a student loan sounds like the best(only) option as my GI bill is expired, and resurrecting it is like trying to raise the dead from what Ive heard, and I dont qualify for any FAFSA grants. I dont have kids to support, so thats not an issue.

Myself and many of my colleagues and students have worked full time while attending paramedic school.

I taught at a community college that offered a paramedic program and all the normal college financial aid was available.

So while it is possible to get a student loan, especially for the amount medic school and living costs compaired to expected salary, it is a really bad idea.

If your financial situation is so dire, get a loan and go into nursing or some health field that will make it worth the money.

Also I know of some areas in the country that will allow you to "bunk" at the VFD in exchange for responding to calls.

Let me say it again for emphasis...

A student loan for paramedic school is a really bad investment.
Myself and many of my colleagues and students have worked full time while attending paramedic school.

I taught at a community college that offered a paramedic program and all the normal college financial aid was available.

So while it is possible to get a student loan, especially for the amount medic school and living costs compaired to expected salary, it is a really bad idea.

If your financial situation is so dire, get a loan and go into nursing or some health field that will make it worth the money.

Also I know of some areas in the country that will allow you to "bunk" at the VFD in exchange for responding to calls.

Let me say it again for emphasis...

A student loan for paramedic school is a really bad investment.

Thanks for the info. I wouldnt be opposed to working pretty much full time while going to school, the problem is Id like to start school this January and I dont really know if Ill have a job lined up with decent hours by then. It hasnt been easy doing a long distance job search with minimal qualifications(EMT Basic and CNA and thats it).

Ive waited so long trying to get all the planets aligned so I can move and go to school that Ive finally decided to do it come hell or high water, even if that means getting a loan.

Nursing school would be more of an eventual possibility/goal as there are long waiting lists from what Ive found. Not to mention working as a CNA Ive discovered that nursing isnt exactly a dream job.
Well, you know, there are really many different loans and supporting promotions from many companies and government to support students, so most probably he will not face problems with getting such a loan, Or any other help. When I was a student I also used credit because working and studying at the same time was really hard. I took credit from in that very good condition.
Yeah, dude, that is really not hard to get a student loan now and pay after you finish your University.
Yeah, dude, that is really not hard to get a student loan now and pay after you finish your University.
I'm pretty sure that the OP figured that out and has long since graduated since it has been over 8 years since they asked.