SIDS whats your school of thought?


EMS Paparazzi
Premium Member


Forum Deputy Chief
Many articles referenced, none linked.

Edit: But at least you're wildly more polite than the others about it.

Interesting thread thus far. I do find it ironic that you are calling out someone for not referencing articles when you did the very same thing a few posts up.

Not an attack, just an observation as it is necessary to provide support to validate your opinion, especially when you state you read a lot of articles that everyone failed to mention which support your point of view. Had you not stated there were articles you had read, and merely supported your argument based on your opinion, you would not be creating the faux pas as evidenced here.

Proper debate rules 101...
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Interesting thread thus far. I do find it ironic that you are calling out someone for not referencing articles when you did the very same thing a few posts up.

Not an attack, just an observation as it is necessary to provide support to validate your opinion, especially when you state you read a lot of articles that everyone failed to mention which support your point of view. Had you not stated there were articles you had read, and merely supported your argument based on your opinion, you would not be creating the faux paux as evidenced here.

Proper debate rules 101...

I did not find any need for me to post articles in this thread as I was not claiming to know the answer to a question without an answer. All I've done in this thread is state a personal opinion; a personal way of handling a situation with no right or wrong answer. I demand articles from these other members because they took a different path, insisting that this situation does in fact have a right and wrong approach. The burden of proof is upon them.

I'll go back and review my previous posts, but I don't believe I referenced any articles to back up my opinions until the moment I made an amendment to my opinion above - finding the articles other members failed to produce that supported some of their claims.

I stated I found several articles that supported what THEY had said. I can see how it was unclear now that I re-read the previous post. What I was saying was that I had gone out and actually searched for articles to back up what others had been trying to convince me of here since they failed to post them themselves. I found several articles that did argue against working an infant in Rigor. And as such, I would not work an infant in Rigor. Granted, I wouldn't have anyway, as in a practical manner, that wouldn't fool anyone. But now there is a clear factual reason not to. In other words, I did their work for them. Give your debate advice to them.
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Forum Deputy Chief
It's called being a Paramedic and taking the initiative to do research, learn.

Afterall, is that not what you were trying (and failing) to promote?

Granted, none of you helped to promote anything besides locking up and becoming unresponsive to the posts here with more attacks (see above post). But again, as a paramedic, I felt it was necessary to go out and seek the articles that the others neglected to post here. I read, I re-evaluated, and I - well on my own - have gained more information that may alter my treatment plans.

This is what you implied here...or so the context of your message seems to convey. Am I wrong as are the others in assuming this? If so, my apologies.


Forum Captain
Dead is dead, regardless of age.

Yes, there are cartain things that a faimily could do to make we work a hold a gun to my head and I'm not just standing there waiting on you to pull the trigger. I do hope that no only have you said goodbye to your baby, your wife, parents, auntie and cuz, because you're in for some time @ the pokey.

For those that have said something to the effect of "let momma hold baby in a blanket and say goodbye" what about considering any suapicious death a crime scene until proven otherwise? Are you not also obligated for the preservation of crime scenes to a certain extent also, and by allowing this practice, violating the crime scene. PD is automatically dispatched on all pedi pts down around here. If the PD unit is onscene and says it's ok for Momma to hold baby, then it's his crime scene and his call, not mine.

Personally, I try to sit the family down in a controlled enviroment like the den and explain what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen in the near future. Just like grandma, ask if there is anyone you can call for them. This is not going to be an quick run, don't try to make it one even if you were supposed to get off an hour ago.

I'm not going to even get into show-coding or working a pt to the truck, or any of that other non-sense.


Forum Captain

When you run a SIDS death and the infant beyond attempting resiscutation whats your school of thought. Tell the parents there is nothing you can do and let the parents attempt to wrap their head around it and say goodbye or grab the baby and run for the truck?

I recently had a SIDS death.

I agree with a lot of the other people that have posted on this thread. There is no sense in giving false hope, when you know that there is no chance of getting the kid back. Its best to just tell the parents that there is nothing more you can do. Also, don't expect to walk in, tell them, then leave. Most often they will have questions and will want someone to talk to.

Take Care,