Self Defense for EMS?


Forum Lieutenant
As experienced practitioners, would you suggest a self defence class to be able to handle unruly patients? ie: A person with a mental disability.

If so what sort of class would you suggest and how far can we go to protect ourselves without overstepping our bounds?


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
I suggest you check out, or send dt4ems a private message.


IFT Puppet
dt has already been mentioned.

There are fery few self defense courses directed at EMS. I personally suggest Brazilian Jui Jitsu but that is me.


Forum Probie
Something else you might look into is S.T.A.R.R. It was devolped for juvenile detebtion as a way to restrain out of control and combat subjects with very little chance of hurting the subject. I know for a fact that the police dept. in my home town use this system as well as some of the hospitals are training their security dept. in it.

Anyway I am fairly new to EMS but have work security and detentions centers for a number of years using this system and it works well.


Kip Teitsort, Founder
dt has already been mentioned.

There are fery few self defense courses directed at EMS. I personally suggest Brazilian Jui Jitsu but that is me.

Very few for EMS directly for sure. Our company has trained hundreds of EMS providers in liability conscious REAL WORLD escape skills for EMS providers. We also have a physician on staff who has given the "Doctor Approved" stamp.

All arts are great. All systems are great. Most are not mission specific to EMS. I have trained in many arts. I am a master of none. We do not teach "fighting" in any sense of the term.

Take a peek at my website. And Firecoins....... I am going to offer you a personal invitation to attend 2 days for free. I have a class coming up in March. Then you will see what I do and can make an informed decision about what our company offers to EMS. We cover it from the mental preparation before hand, the actual incident, documentation and preparation for court.

I too train in submission grappling, Kali-Silat as well as kickboxing. I spend my life as the constant student. The funny thing is fighting is way different than self-defense. I have written articles (as have many other reputable trainers) about the fundamental difference.


Forum Lieutenant
The thing that I suggest is learning pressure points and Joint locks. Now I am not in EMS and I dont know protocols, but I know from my job that if you put pressure on a joint or on a nerve and you motivate most people to co-operate. I gotta ask my EMT instructor if the protocols allow that...


Kip Teitsort, Founder
The thing that I suggest is learning pressure points and Joint locks. Now I am not in EMS and I dont know protocols, but I know from my job that if you put pressure on a joint or on a nerve and you motivate most people to co-operate. I gotta ask my EMT instructor if the protocols allow that...

Before you try pressure points I suggest you speak to police officers that have tried them in the field against the people who assault EMS the most............

I spent several years teaching "pressure points" for compliance. The problem was officers relied on pressure points at the wrong time.

Pressure points mean you have to rely on pain compliance. My studies have shown on average 60% of people don't react to at least one of the pressure points most commonly taught. There in lies the problem. Which pressure point will you choose while being attacked.

The majority of the people attacking EMS providers fall into the "5 D's ":
Drunk, Drugged, Diabetic, Deranged, Domestic

The issue with most of these folks....... they don't feel pain, or have an increased pain threshold.

Pressure points have no place on an ambulance. We are not looking for "pain compliance". We want informed consent prior to touching a person.

Another interesting fact.............. if pressure points worked so well, why don't they use them in MMA? The only on I have relied on is a brachial stun.


Forum Lieutenant
Again, I'm not in ems. I am a martial arts instructor. Our system teaches multiple strikes to vital area. So the hollow of the throat, the solar plexus. I havent had to deal with real situations. I only know from what happened in my life, and from people I've spoken too. i will now, shut my mouth and not get into a contest about who is better. KempoEMT out
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Kip Teitsort, Founder
Again, I'm not in ems. I am a martial arts instructor. Our system teaches multiple strikes to vital area. So the hollow of the throat, the solar plexus. I havent had to deal with real situations. I only know from what happened in my life, and from people I've spoken too. i will now, shut my mouth and not get into a contest about who is better. KempoEMT out

Please don't take offense. You are welcome to keep posting and offer opinions. That is the beauty of EMTLife. There should be no attitudes. Truth is as a martial arts instructor you already know you will use less force than those who do not train. I have found......... the more people train the less they ever use it in real life.