Santa Monica Fd


Forum Asst. Chief
I like how the doctor they chose to interview referred to the crews as "paramedics slash EMTs".

Which is it? Are paramedics AND EMTs going to be doing this? Or are paramedics only going to be doing this?

My guess is he doesn't even know the functional difference.

Just another medical provider that doesn't even represent us to the public correctly.


The news teams and the majority of people used "Paramedics" many, many times. EMT-Paramedic was the term uses for a long time and many still recognize it. The NREMT just now changed their terminology.

But, the FD did state they have cardiac monitors to rule out MIs which is not true and that misinformation should question their ability to treat and release.

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
We already triage to clinics other than ERs provided they meet certain criteria along with clinical judgement by the medic.

Catch is the patient has to consent to it, if they're dead set on an ER that's where they go.

We cannot refuse to transport.


Forum Captain
The news teams and the majority of people used "Paramedics" many, many times. EMT-Paramedic was the term uses for a long time and many still recognize it. The NREMT just now changed their terminology.

I guess that's kind of my point. The term "EMT-Paramedic" has been used extensively, but that's not what he said. He referred to "paramedics slash EMTs", which to me says that he doesn't even understand the difference between them, because that term has never officially been used. An Emergency Medicine physician that's working with EMS should be ashamed of himself for not even knowing what the names of the categories of providers are. What's worse, is that he's representing that to the public.

But, the FD did state they have cardiac monitors to rule out MIs which is not true and that misinformation should question their ability to treat and release.

Agree completely.