Recertification Question


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I recently called the nremt to ask what would count as actively working using your emt skills for when the time comes to recertify. I had a wild land FF opportunity in mind but was told that wasn't using my emt skills on an active basis. I am a newly certified emt and in that process of finding a job which is a little rough at the moment but don't want to take anything that can't be used as actual "emt skills" work. Besides working for an ambulance company full blown (which is my intent), what other options work? Does working for a transportation company as an emt work or no because im not actually using my skills? Let me know what you guys think. Thanks
Working transport counts.
You only need to work for 6 months out of the 2 year cycle or be currently employed ( at the time of recertification ) with an ems agency ( or someplace with a medical director who can sign you off)
Well if transport counts, it is at least something to get my foot in the door. I didn't know if straight transport worked under medical direction or not but good to know for future reference. Luckily i am newly certified and have time to find a position, but want to think down the road from now. Thanks for the reply
Well if transport counts, it is at least something to get my foot in the door. I didn't know if straight transport worked under medical direction or not but good to know for future reference. Luckily i am newly certified and have time to find a position, but want to think down the road from now. Thanks for the reply

Anything you do as an EMT has to be authorized by a medical director . Otherwise you are only a first aider.
If you continue to have a problem finding a full time job in EMS, check and see if you have any volunteer fire stations in your area. Most of the stations in my area run a QRS (Quick Response Service) truck that works under medical direction from the ambulance provider in your area. Chances are they are already an accepted agency for you to associate with as well. On the good side you might even get to know the medics that run in your area and if you do a good job and help them out and not make more work for them they might get ya an in at their company!