Real-Life Heroes


Forum Ride Along
I don't know about you guys, but i know that sometimes people don't get recognized for the everyday, life-saving things that they do. i just came across something that is trying to fix that.
America's Most Wanted is having a contest to see who is this year's "all-star." There are a bunch of nominees that were all worthy of being all-stars! The contest is on their website, Check it out, so that some real-life heroes can get the recognition they deserve!


Kip Teitsort, Founder
I don't know about you guys, but i know that sometimes people don't get recognized for the everyday, life-saving things that they do. i just came across something that is trying to fix that.
America's Most Wanted is having a contest to see who is this year's "all-star." There are a bunch of nominees that were all worthy of being all-stars! The contest is on their website, Check it out, so that some real-life heroes can get the recognition they deserve!

I just went and looked at this. Actually I think it is a great idea. I have known several EMS providers and officers who go above and beyond what is expected. One of those providers is actually on this and several other forums.

If I were to nominate a person would the rest of you back it? Would you take a minute to vote for him/her? I bet we are all thinking about the same person.


IFT Puppet
Lets hear some of the stories here.


Kip Teitsort, Founder
Well let's take a minute to think about it. Who can we all count on to help with real EMS related questions? Not only here but this person is on a lot of other forums. This person is always trying to push the EMS path to the next level.

I personally have had several questions answered, usually very quickly and with references from this person.

And this has gone on for a couple of years. This person's impact is pretty far reaching when you think about it.


Forum Lieutenant
i dont do it to be recognized. im sure any one of us will go above the call of normal duty to save a victim or patient. This dosent mean ALL emts will do this just the ones that have it in their blood.
you know who you are.
you run out the door as the pager goes off, heart racin with a cool head.
you dont think you react.
you take charge as everyone stands there with their jaw on the floor.
nothing gets in your way.
no one stops you or shuts you down.....
you have a mission.
That mission is to save a life.
The sounds of the siren gets your adrenaline flowin like the nile.
yea you know who you are, we all get in that rig for the same thing.
The Few, The humbled, The faithful, The EMTs.
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Forum Lieutenant
Well let's take a minute to think about it. Who can we all count on to help with real EMS related questions? Not only here but this person is on a lot of other forums. This person is always trying to push the EMS path to the next level.

I personally have had several questions answered, usually very quickly and with references from this person.

And this has gone on for a couple of years. This person's impact is pretty far reaching when you think about it.

I've been here for a couple months. I think you are talking about Ridryder911 (if that is his real name, lol) I'll be embarrassed if this isn't who you meant. :lol:


Forum Lieutenant
you know what i mean i wasnt being literal. its that moment when all your training come rushing out like for instance that split second when a cop needs to decide to shoot or not shoot. its that moment where you react to whats around you because you have experience and training to back you up.:) id hate to be a robot. LOL.


Kip Teitsort, Founder
I've been here for a couple months. I think you are talking about Ridryder911 (if that is his real name, lol) I'll be embarrassed if this isn't who you meant. :lol:

Don't be embarrassed :)

Look. I have been in the EMS field for 17 years. I have worked in large cities and rural communities. I have seen a lot of people come and go over the years. I am now a full-time EMS educator and can assure you many in EMS have the "Type A" personality.

Some talk smack about how smart they are hiding behind a keyboard and distance. Others offer advice or opinions based on experience. Rid has been one of the ones who has offered WAY more to tons of folks without having asked for anything in return.

That speaks VOLUMES. So do "I" think a person like Rid should be recognized for what he does for EMS? You bet your Arse I do!

Look at it like this.......... someone is browsing a forum. They happen to read one of his posts....... just so happens they get a call matching some of the descriptions Rid posted. A medic makes a good call a life is saved and a medic feels great about his/her accomplishments.

EMS folks around the country do stuff without ever expecting "kudos" in return. That is the nature of this job. But if people slough off and say those in our field that help OTHERS in our field shouldn't be recognized........... I say it is mentality like that that keeps us from advancing in the public eye.

Before you get all hacked at me............ remember I am on the front lines fighting for the respect of EMS as a profession.


Forum Lieutenant
i agree.........


Forum Deputy Chief
Can you nominate yourself?


Forum Lieutenant
your humble pride amuses me. :lol: