Program Disaster


Forum Ride Along
I am writing in hopes that anyone can help me with my situation regarding my paramedic program. I’m a licensed paramedic in that I have completed my paramedic training at Contra Costa College and I have passed my NREMT board exam. I was driven at a young age to fulfill my ultimate goal of being a paramedic and helping in my community. I took all my prerequisites while in high school in order to finish by 20 years old and finished paramedic school while being a full time care taker of my grandpa with whom I currently live.

The reason why I am writing is that during my paramedic training the former director of the Contra Costa College Paramedic Program went on a permanent leave of absence. He was supposed to have logged in the class skills and training and he was deficient in that he did not fulfill his obligation. This left the entire class in limbo, awaiting the new director to try and find all the paperwork that he was supposed to have completed. They are now stating that because of Troy’s departure, they may have to have us repeat certain parts of the program that the class has already completed. This is a clerical error on the school’s part and now you have an entire paramedic class delayed due to the incompetence of the staff. I personally have completed my training in the field and have passed the board exam and yet I am being held back from working as a paramedic in this critical time.

I do have several emails prior to The director leaving that confirm I have completed the course requirements and that I was ready to take the NREMT board exam. The new interim director, has said that because Troy did not log in my skills, there is no proof and that I possibly have to redo my skills which means paying the tuition again and lengthening my time in a program that I have already completed. I have numerous email communication from the Dean of Contra Costa College and the interim director stating that I can have my certification from the school by January 15th and how they know that our class completed the skills and training necessary. Yet, at the same time, they have not given me my deserved paramedic certification, just a letter of intent to give it. This letter of intent does not allow me to work as a paramedic. In the meantime, the paramedic program in Contra Costa College has delayed my desire to help in this pandemic due to a disgruntled employee and administration failures which are no fault of mine. They are now continuing to ignore my efforts to obtain my paramedic certification by saying they “have to have meetings and look at the different entities involved”. In the meantime, I feel like my skill and knowledge as a paramedic is being stifled and not being put to use at a time that is so critical for my hometown of the Bay Area.

The New program director is now not getting back to my emails. It’s been 2 months since I had my NREMT Paramedic certificate; but despite this I can’t get my paramedic license since I am from california which requires you to have your class completion certificate to get licensed. If anyone has suggestions for me or could help that would be great. Thanks.


Has no idea what I'm doing.
My recommendation would be consult an attorney and possibly the state board of education


Forum Ride Along
I’ve looked into it but I just can’t afford a lawyer. I’ll try contacting the state board of education, but Idk if their is any paramedic governing agencies I can contact that would be really helpful.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
I’ve looked into it but I just can’t afford a lawyer. I’ll try contacting the state board of education, but Idk if their is any paramedic governing agencies I can contact that would be really helpful.
State EMS board or department of health.


Forum Ride Along
1. Yes I even have contacted the president of the school with no success

2. No I have not filled out that form I’ll do that next

3. No I haven’t either.

4.Yes I have contacted George. We spoke on the phone and said he does not deal with situations like this. I’m going to send him a formal email tomorrow reexplaining the situation

5. I plan on taking that step tomorrow as well. Thank you for the help.


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
Damn, that sucks... you got a raw deal. And based on everything you are saying, it doesn't sound like it is going to be an easy fight. I would definitely speak to an attorney (for a free consultation), and see if they will take your case on contingency. it's very likely that your former program director screwed you, and you won't get anywhere with the college because you don't meet the requirements for graduation (at least on paper, because the former director screwed you)

Matt gave you some great resources, but do you need to stay in SoCal? you have your NREMT-P certificate, can you use that to get certified in another state? Still have the department of health or EMS board investigate, but also be prepared for the unfair reality that you might not get anywhere, and will still want to move forward with your career.


Forum Ride Along
Thank you for the help. I’m definitely going to try all those avenues. For now I’d like to stay in California. I even looked at getting a license over in another state then transferring but even then you need the certificate...


Forum Deputy Chief
If your entire class is in the same position as you, are you networking with them and concentrating/consolidating/coordinating efforts to fix this? If not, why?

And most lawyers will do a free consultation, especially if the entire class is being represented. He can sue for his fees, you guys can sue for your certs since that is most likely your only intent.


Forum Ride Along
Yes we been, my other classmates are even in a worst position. We finished didactic December and me and only another person has finished intern. Due to COVID they couldn’t even finish clinicals since they got kicked out of the hospitals due to COVID. Since that they could not how to figure out how to restart them with the new director. The lawyers I talked to only said they due it for pay which is on average 2000 retainer and 400 an hour


Forum Ride Along
Yeah. Unfortunately, it’s the first ever program they had and even though we attended the program back then none of us (the class) have our licenses. I was fortunate enough to get everything done with my clinicals and intern and the rest of the class just let everything happen without a fight. Since I got my nremt it’s been two months from now that they have not given me my cert. It seems like I’m the only one putting up a fight with it and I was just trying to see all the avenues I should take.


Forum Ride Along
Yeah, they completed didactic which they are in the same situation as me which their skills got logged. Me and another student are the only ones who passed intern and clinicals as well as passed nremt

Carlos Danger

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
First, why can't someone get ahold of the previous program director and have him log your skills?

Second, you seriously need to see a lawyer. You came here asking advice, and that's the advice. @MMiz gave some good ideas on steps to take, but you said you've already done those. It's a year later and you are still in this position. What's left? Print off those emails from the director that indicate you've met all the program requirements, get a class roster, make a list of actions you've taken so far (with dates and names if possible), and go see an attorney.

Yes, lawyers are very expensive. But as someone pointed out, many offer free consultations, meaning it won't cost you a penny to see one and explain the situation and have them tell you whether they can even help. I'd try to get consultations with two or three. Some attorneys who do personal injury law will work on a contingency basis if they think you have a chance to win a judgement for damages.

How much has it cost you this far to NOT be able to work as a paramedic? How much will it cost you going forward? How much will it cost you to repeat the portions of the program that you have to repeat? How much is it worth to you to not let this community college screw you over?


Forum Ride Along
Your right thank you. I already put in for some consultations. The reason why the old director is not allowed to talk to the program is because they said he is on medical leave and he is not “legally” allowed to talk to the program. A couple weeks later he resigned and they told me he still isn’t “legally” allowed to talk to them. The dean told me they are not allowed to even go into his office and look for files which tells me their is something else going on with him and the school.


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
If you're like me, you don't want to pay for a lawyer. The cost, headache, phone calls, etc.

I found calling my state bar's referral number and being connected with a lawyer super easy. Almost all will hear your concerns and give you a quick consult for free. I would be surprised if resolving this situation through a lawyer costs much, if anything.

Here is a link to the State Bar of California lawyer referral service.

Good luck!


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
The dean told me they are not allowed to even go into his office and look for files which tells me their is something else going on with him and the school.
I'm sorry, but what? So an employee separates from the school, but the door is locked until further notice, and no one can enter? When the new director takes over, he isn't granted access to all the records? Or he has to have another office assigned to him, while the former director's office is off limits? Sounds super sketchy.....