Preparing for practicum


Forum Probie
Just finished my first semester. Got an A average. I was just wondering if there was anything you guys/gals would recommend for preparing for the practicum I'm about to go on. We've got 5 clinical days, one OR day and about a month of ambulance time. They've already told us a few tips and stuff but I was wondering, coming from people who possibly take on students for practicum if there is anything you specifically like, request, dislike. Anything would be appreciated. I don't want to show up and be the guy that is incompetent and fumbling with equipment because my instructor didn't teach me about an essential part of helping an ALS team because it's not in my scope.


Working Bum
Be early,
Dress professional,
Help where you can,
Ask, if you do not know,
Be respectful,
Be aggressive on calls,
Always bring your text book!

A student that shows up without their text book is destine to fail! If you have a general question, you need to look it up, before asking. If you still can't find it or don't understand, then ask away.

Last, enjoy the learning experience. Do not stress out on everything. If you do not know how to do something, admit it and step back.

Have fun and get the most from your time.