Pearls of wisdom for new EMTs


Forum Lieutenant
But say that I do kill someone, I don't suppose I get any mulligans for that :)

I'm sure I'll do fine, as I am very confident in my training. But I have this little nagging perfectionist in me that demands things run smoothly, and I damn well better get over that quickly. I was told by my instructor that half of EMS is just not knowing what the hell is going on, but acting like you do. That ruffles me. I know everyone runs into those calls where they feel useless, I just need to get used to that idea.

Hardest thing for me to understand is the lack of a clear cut black and white world, EMS is 99% gray area, 1%WTF! How did you get stuck in there?!?

Learn your protocols and get used to your truck/equipment.

Stay calm, be like a duck on water. Pts will feed off of you, if you are calm it will help them or it wont, if you are freaked out they are going to freak out.

Sometimes doing no harm hurts you gotta get over that, traction splints are possibly the most painful devices on the planet, but if indicated can save your pts leg.

practice practice practice practice practice practice vitals and BLS skills and assessment everyday. when you roll up on scene make it look like you done that before it will show.

dont be afraid to give input if you notice something that your medic might not. basics and intermediates save my *** everyday by catching the stuff that i miss... im not perfect, dont judge me!!

eat right, sleep alot, work out, and dont fall into the routine of being a fat lazy @$$. You will live longer and be less likely to fall victim to the mental and physical stress.

And stop at EFFIN red lights and stop signs cuz people are STOOPID and think the lights and sirens dont mean them! Ya a lady flipped me the bird today because we didnt allow her to go in front of us when we were navigating through a busy intersection with lights and sirens blaring... some peoples kids!

Good luck! People die, dont be the reason! LOL


Community Leader Emeritus
Don't Forget The ART!

A call unfolds much like an improvisatory story, with you at its hub and a beginning, middle and an end. From your Point Of View (POV), your role is to Orchestrate all the unpredictable elements of the scene so that you can get done what you were technically trained to do, as smoothly as possible.

My Pearl? Art is the container that holds the Science.


Forum Crew Member
My advice for you would be to remember that (i'm by no means religious but here it goes) the outcome of everything will be in God's hands. Always remember that!