Paramedic programs in CT


Forum Probie
Hi everyone, and thanks for reading...

I'm an EMT in CT. I was wondering if any of you had any strong opinions and experience with medic schools here. I have a degree already, but I'm not opposed to getting another associate's or bachelor's. Seems kinda like a good idea actually. I can also be convinced to just go for the certificate. Here's what I'm looking at:

Yale Sponsor Hospital in New Haven-- i hear they're disorganized and it's hard to get clinicals and ride time because they don't have arrangements for that and somehow don't have AMR and local EDs on board with bringing students into their space. Also, I understand they don't have a problem with the "Zero to Hero" thing, a concept which I'm pretty opposed to.

New Britian EMS-- I hear they're solid and professional and put out good medics.

Capital College Hartford-- Word on the street says they put out strong medics. Students who have gone through the program seem happy with them.

University of New Haven-- I understand a medic bachelor's degree is beginning soon, but nothing on the web about it yet. It will be associated with Yale Sponsor Hospital in New Haven. See my concerns above.

Bridgeport--This is the closest to me and most convenient, however, i don't hear good things about the program itself. I guess it's hard and challenging, which is a good thing, but doesn't have the most experienced of instructors. I dunno if that is true or not.

I'm love to hear if any of you have experience with any of these institutions.
I hear "you get what you put into it" a lot, but I really do want solid instruction, professionalism, wisdom, and I don't want to get frustrated with disorganization.

Thank you in advance!