Paramedic Plus?


Forum Probie
Get ready for PP+, the contract is theirs.

And yet, I've heard of none of those complaints about ETMC, who owns you can't make that a rule for the whole company.[/QUOTE

ETMC has some of those same problems. Being a private service, profit is the number one goal and working for them, its obvious. The "non-profit" designation is a creative way to avoid taxes. Because etmc and paramedics plus are owned by a hospital system, any "profit" made by the ambulance company, in turn gets put back into the hospital system, to get distributed as they wish (contractors, board members, etc...) and turned into funds with other creative names. This is what allows them to hide under the tax shelter of "not for profit"

ETMC has some ridiculous policies. They put in a sort of black box which records anytime a turn is taken too fast, person accelerates too quickly, brakes too hard, doesn’t back up with out someone pushing a button, or drives 25 ft w/o a seat belt. I‘m sure there are others but I cant think of them right now. If a person has too many infractions, it effects raises and eventually can result in termination. There is a new policy making clear plastic goggles a required part of the uniform. if they are not worn from pt contact to transfer of care, you get written up. I heard from a reputable source, one supervisor in Temple has been given access to hospital's security cameras in the ambulance bay to check for compliance. I kid you not! I'm more worried about the gunfire i hear from the station than someone coughing in my face as I start the IV. I digress...
The insurance company has ETMC by the balls

I could go on and on. ETMC has a whole lot of issues and there are many questionable business practices (esp in my city) but it isnt a bad job. Be ready to run all night long, have too few units available and get pissed off every time another CYA policy comes out. In the end, its a paycheck. Don’t know about PP+ but ETMC has some progressive policies and aggressive protocols. Our medical director is a very good at what he does, willing to take time and answer questions and an even better person. Ive never worked at a job that everyone loves. there will always be something to complain about. W/ ETMC and probably by extension PP+, its not too bad. good luck


You have my stapler

The Road Safety box is becoming more and more common in EMS. It's to encourage smooth driving. I don't know that I agree with the way ETMC has made it a disciplinary issue, but to each his own. Besides, you SHOULDN'T be backing without a spotter or going anywhere unbelted. Goggles aren't a bad idea either. While they are a pain in the rear on most calls, I never seem to have them when I actually NEED a set...

You sound like you work for ETMC in an otherwise unnamed Central Texas city that is home to a major religous college. Unfortunately you and your comrades in this city have to turn a profit instead of being a loss leader for the hospital since ya'll transport mainly to the 'Hill and Prov. From most of my friends that still work for East Texas say this makes life harder over there.

ETMC is like any company, it has its goods and bads. They are actually "not-for-profit" which changes the dynamic and they can indeed profit without penalty. This tends to lead to them running more like a for-profit at times. They are clinically up to snuff, if a but behind the times on things like sedation, immobilization and pain management.

PP is a wholely different animal, and most definitely for profit. Run by the same people, different intent entirely.