Newly certified EMT-B, what now?


Forum Probie
I'm sure these threads are a dime a dozen, but I didn't want to be irritating by bumping an old thread.

This question is more so aimed at individuals familiar with San Bernardino County, California, but all advice is welcomed!
Alright so, I passed the NREMT last week (yay me). Now I'm just...lost. All I was told by my instructors was that I would need to get my license through ICEMA. I've been searching and searching for any forms, reading material, absolutely anything that would tell me the proper steps in getting licensed but all I can find are forms on EMT-I and EMT-P.
Does anyone have any clue or has anyone been licensed in San Bernardino county?
I'm frustrated beyond belief at this point.

Edit: Made an error. So here's an additional question! Looked at my paperwork and all EMT-B's are put down as being EMT-I's. Obviously, we were taught that we were NOT EMT-I's and would have to undergo further training/certification to reach that level. Am I missing something here? This is honestly making me feel like a huge idiot.
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Forum Captain
Are you sure it's emt I or emt 1. Sometimes they use roman numerals to confuse us basics As far as I know emt I don't exist in ca. Try ca EMSA and maybe they have a link to your sb county ems authority. I know for kern county it was super easy to find what I needed


Forum Probie
It's most definitely an I.

So I just remembered that the levels of EMS is being changed (was printed in my course textbook). It said that EMT-I's were becoming "Advanced EMT's" and EMT-B's were simply becoming "EMT's"
It just...doesn't make sense.

But considering the only paperwork available is for First Responders, EMT-I's and EMT-P's I guess I'm just going to assume the term EMT-B has become obsolete and I now fall into the EMT-I category.

Wow...This is confusing. I really wish my instructors would have been more informative on this.
I guess my safest bet is attempting to call ICEMA and hope that they have someone competent to answer my questions.

Wowwww this thread made me feel like the queen of dumb questions/confusion


Forum Captain
I know how you feel, our county made it easy for us atleast. No one knows what an emt b is here. We use the I thing. Wether it an I or a 1 is weird. Good luck


The New Beach Medic
In California,

EMT-II/EMT-2 = EMT-Intermediate/EMT-i/AEMT

Like Joe said, sometimes they like to use Roman numerals.

Very few EMT-II in California. I believe there are only two classes for EMT-II in the entire State. So I have a feeling that EMT-I on that form is for EMT-Basic for your county. Doesn't hurt to walk into your local EMS agency though, right? Considering it's done by county, I don't think it should be too far (unless you live in a very big county?).

Go into your local EMS agency or call 'em, grab a form, fill it out. They'll also probably have a form for a LiveScan. Take it, fill out what you can. Go to someplace that can do LiveScans (some third party businesses do it, sheriff office, etc. My county had a list of places you could go to so maybe you can ask whoever at the agency if they know of any nearby places).

After you do the LiveScan, drive up to your local EMS agency, turn in the filled out paperwork, maybe show them proof of the LiveScan cause it might not be done when you do try to turn in your paperwork. Pay the fee.

After that, it varies on how long you get your cert, if you get a temporary, etc. Don't be afraid to show up there or call 'em to ask for information.


Forum Crew Member
You could go for a Wilderness upgrade but what I would do (however I am new to this as well) is take all the add-ons, ITLS, I think BCLS is an option as well. My plan now that I am newly minted is to hook up volunteer style with a small local ambulance service and start using these new skills. The textbook knowledge is great but I want some practicality. I am a full time teacher and take college classes so my time is very limited until next year. If you are serious about this career filed then I would recommend going medic. Take all the college pre-reqs and get it done!


Forum Captain
minerva, im not trying to come off sounding like an *** but, as far as Ca is concerned you are an EMT-I. I meaning Basic, or 1 or whatever. EMT intermediate (emt I88/ EMT I99) do not exist in ca as far as registration is concerned.(that i know of) Remember there are numbers after the EMT-Intermediate.

as far as cert in SB county, i looked all over the sb county website and the only place it mentions EMS is on the Fire Dept page. Give these guys a call and im sure they can help you out. it looks like its a run around down there trying to finish your cert out. good luck, here is the link:

keep us posted.


Forum Probie
Thanks guys!
Aprz - I live in the biggest county in the country. Our EMS office is about an hour's drive away. I think I'm going to go ahead and call to avoid any confusion/messing up paperwork.

This is the site for the agency I'm supposed to go through, Joe. It's very...Minimal. It basically leaves people to figure them out for themselves. It makes me wish I had asked my instructors a lot more questions

By the way, one of the EMT-I forms I'm supposed to fill out has a section for me to list all of the Continued Education I've done...This is ONLY for those wishing to be re-certified, right? Man I feel thick!
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Forum Captain
More than likely that area is for you to list your ce. You would have to ask them. Now that you found the link seems pretty easy from here. Pay the outrageous amounts they want and get a live scan and it looks like your on your way.