National Ambulance UAE


Still crazy but elsewhere
Reiterating two replies above, learn before you sign. Use credible online resources, try to talk to faculty at local universities about their experiences, read the State Department notices. Networking on EMTLIFE is a growing resource too.

Employers are employers, they will sometimes be bahstids; in the U.S., if you get overwrought you can throw your shears holster on the desk and walk off, but halfway around the world and under a more-strenuous contract it might not be that easy. Heck, moving from say Texas to California could pose some of those problems.


Forum Ride Along
Thank you for the advice as well as the private messages (I'm still a few posts short of being able to reply...) I'm looking forward to tomorrow and perhaps I'll have the opportunity to return to UAE, I had a great experience in 2007. Thanks again!

Sam (Vancouver)


Forum Deputy Chief
Chris R. ?



Forum Probie
In the middle east do the supply a dorm/apartment with the contract or do you have to find a place on your own?


Forum Crew Member
In the middle east do the supply a dorm/apartment with the contract or do you have to find a place on your own?

Usually the contractor will take care of you. You usally are lost enough and they want you to focus on your job your hired for. But your contract will spell out exactly what the contractor will suplly and what is expected of you.
If you get a offer and your not sure or comfortable to accept it without talking to people that work international contracts..You dont want to be stuck in a contract half way around the world!


Forum Crew Member
Thank you for the advice as well as the private messages (I'm still a few posts short of being able to reply...) I'm looking forward to tomorrow and perhaps I'll have the opportunity to return to UAE, I had a great experience in 2007. Thanks again!

Sam (Vancouver)

How did your interview go?


Forum Probie
Thanks do you know if any of the companies will take a Newby EMT/EMT-Paramedic with 5 yrs First Responder experience?


Forum Crew Member
Thanks do you know if any of the companies will take a Newby EMT/EMT-Paramedic with 5 yrs First Responder experience?

probably not you need a good 3 yrs experiance in your spot, go to school get your paramedic if you want to work overseas. If you contact George Washington Univ out of DC they have the Kuwait contract and they will hire US EMTs. I know they are hiring medics right now but they also use EMTs..just remember you have to obtain a security clearace with them but they will help you file the 80-100page application..


Forum Crew Member
Nac uae

HI All,

Just a quick post to say thanks to all you guys who were good enough to give good advice. Completed my clinical assessment/scenario test with Chris a few days ago. Went well but hey sounds like there is a S**t load of good guys in for this one so time will tell :rolleyes:



good to hear. Did Paul ever contact you?

HI All,

Just a quick post to say thanks to all you guys who were good enough to give good advice. Completed my clinical assessment/scenario test with Chris a few days ago. Went well but hey sounds like there is a S**t load of good guys in for this one so time will tell :rolleyes:



Still crazy but elsewhere
How absolutely strange to have your EMS needs taken care of exclusively by foreigners. But then we have folks from other countries harvesting our crops, raising our children, building our homes, etc. And we don't pay them near what they are worth, as a rule.


Forum Deputy Chief
How absolutely strange to have your EMS needs taken care of exclusively by foreigners. But then we have folks from other countries harvesting our crops, raising our children, building our homes, etc. And we don't pay them near what they are worth, as a rule.

Well, if you hire HCNs (host country nationals) you encounter several serious issues which could be counter productive to the delivery of EMS.

1. The crews go out of service 5 x a day for prayer which can take anywhere from 15-30 minutes depending on how long the line is at the feet washing stand, how fervent they get in their prayers and how crowded the area is if they pull over to mosque.

2. The crews are limited in who they can see and touch and there WILL be a general bias towards women in general--and the women will not give you any story close to the truth...especially if it is a woman issue, rape or assault.

3. Everyone is related. Sure I am being funny here, but again this will alter some care--how many distant cousins have you run on this month?

4. The biggest conundrum of all ( I actually experienced this one in Kuwait)....ready?
You are altering Allah's will!!!
By providing care and trying to save someone, you are challenging Allah's authority. If the guy got smacked by a car and is laying there dying, let him be!! Allah commanded it!!

5. Pain control--You know my extensive history with the ME and SWA...they simply do not support narcs for pain control. It is against their belief system. I have been in hospitals where I had to demand they give meds for certain conditions--had a guy with a femur fracture and they kept giving high dose of Motrin. They finally got out the morphine reluctantly and gave him 1mg. ONE MG!!

6. From many of my travels, I find ME people to be VERY lazy. No one wants to work when it is hot, they take frequent tea breaks apart from the prayer breaks...and absolutely NO ONE works on Fridays as that is their holy day. They also have many holy holidays throughout the year including Ramadan (30 day fast and lots of prayers) in which work damn near stops in its entirety.

I am sure there are other advantages/disadvantages I have not considered to the hiring of expats for medical care delivery but these are the big ones from personal experience only.


Forum Chief
You know i don't like that area as it is and you just make it sound worse all the time.


Forum Crew Member
Well, if you hire HCNs (host country nationals) you encounter several serious issues which could be counter productive to the delivery of EMS.

1. The crews go out of service 5 x a day for prayer which can take anywhere from 15-30 minutes depending on how long the line is at the feet washing stand, how fervent they get in their prayers and how crowded the area is if they pull over to mosque.

2. The crews are limited in who they can see and touch and there WILL be a general bias towards women in general--and the women will not give you any story close to the truth...especially if it is a woman issue, rape or assault.

3. Everyone is related. Sure I am being funny here, but again this will alter some care--how many distant cousins have you run on this month?

4. The biggest conundrum of all ( I actually experienced this one in Kuwait)....ready?
You are altering Allah's will!!!
By providing care and trying to save someone, you are challenging Allah's authority. If the guy got smacked by a car and is laying there dying, let him be!! Allah commanded it!!

5. Pain control--You know my extensive history with the ME and SWA...they simply do not support narcs for pain control. It is against their belief system. I have been in hospitals where I had to demand they give meds for certain conditions--had a guy with a femur fracture and they kept giving high dose of Motrin. They finally got out the morphine reluctantly and gave him 1mg. ONE MG!!

6. From many of my travels, I find ME people to be VERY lazy. No one wants to work when it is hot, they take frequent tea breaks apart from the prayer breaks...and absolutely NO ONE works on Fridays as that is their holy day. They also have many holy holidays throughout the year including Ramadan (30 day fast and lots of prayers) in which work damn near stops in its entirety.

I am sure there are other advantages/disadvantages I have not considered to the hiring of expats for medical care delivery but these are the big ones from personal experience only.

Great reply AK..I saw that post and needed to bite my lip and say nothing..But i have to admit your #4, I often heard in Saudi. PLUS the level of EMS care here (UAE) or for the most part anywhere in the Middle East Doesn't even compare to the level of EMS People take for granted in the States! Find Bondi yet?


While I agree with some of that, I do not find it that extreme here, at all. I find the emirates an open minded left wing liberal paradise compared to other countries such as Saudi Arabia. However even in KSA I had a full narcs set. In UAE we are hiring women paramedics here as ALS in the field. business and shops do not close during prayer time here. Your free to buy pork and booze, In addition to that your free to practice whatever religion you like. Also only around %20 of the people that live here are Emirati nationals. Guys like "'Green Sheikh'" are also doing a real good job informing the public about protecting the environment and reducing carbon foot prints. The locals I interact with on a daily basis are very use to western culture and and ways. No one gives me a second look because I am white or cares about my tattoo's even on duty. The majority of the locals here DO NOT drop everything go to pray when the prayer call comes on.
I feel safer here than I do in most of the USA. After my time in Egypt and Saudi, I am really proud of the UAE and I think there doing a great job here.

At the end of the day in my opinion this a country of foreigners from all over the world build on and around money. It just happens to be in the middle east. Most of the %20 of people that are lucky enough to be locals have plenty of money. In addition to that there is no possible way they could staff an entire EMS system here on there own, and why would they? So they could serve the other %80 of us that are foreigners? Depending upon how you look it. It is kind of the other way around as we are really there servants ;-)
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