More options?


Forum Crew Member
So Im in a a situtation where I cant be picky about what company or job Im with. So worst case senerio EMS near me arent hiring soon enough. All I have is just a nyc emt b card and cpr with little to no money to my name. Its there anything else I can do beside being on an ambulance? If so how Im really lost with life at the moment


Forum Deputy Chief
Do as many people in EMS or the Fire Service have done....take a job anywhere. Do not be so hung up on pride or on the fact that now that you have a cert you can or must only work in that field.

You need money, you need a job...go to McDonalds, go to Starbucks, go to a grocery store...go anywhere that earns. Then once you are drawing a check, now you can breathe a little and take the time to seek the job you want without being forced into one you don't want but take only because it is in the field of EMS.

So what if you get the dream interview or job offer 3 weeks least in the meantime you were productive and earning.

You can tell your new employer that is one of your positive never quit, you persevere, you are a hard worker. Explain you took the job to stay active while you waited for their call. A new employer is not going to fault you for taking a new job outside of EMS while you wait on one in EMS...they understand you need a paycheck and they know the job market better than you do.


Forum Crew Member
Wow thats some good stuff right there. But if I land a gig elsewhere and a base offer a job within 2 weeks what would I do to the current employer. Is it ok to just quit like that. I held jobs but Im new to making moves like this.


Forum Deputy Chief
As I said, you do what is right for you.

You need income. You take a job outside EMS. 2 weeks later you get EMS dream job...well that is what you went to school for and it is your end goal.

You explain to new employer that you took temp job for income, they understand now that they are hiring you.

You tell old employer so long.

Yes it sucks and is not the proper way to do things but it is not like you are in a career job now and telling them to shove it. Your concern was over getting money to survive while you wait on EMS job.

If all goes well, your new EMS gig will last for years or longer...what you did years ago such as taking a position for 2 weeks should not even be mentioned if you ever leave that dream EMS gig.


Forum Deputy Chief
Wow thats some good stuff right there. But if I land a gig elsewhere and a base offer a job within 2 weeks what would I do to the current employer. Is it ok to just quit like that. I held jobs but Im new to making moves like this.

If the job pays less than ~30-35k/yr, they can't expect you to be so loyal you wouldn't skip out on a better offer.


Forum Ride Along
I agree w/flight medic. I'm working at a telecom place right now while finishing my EMT-P.

Is it what I "want" to do? Not really.
Is it a job that I'm grateful for? Most definitely!

Chin up, man. It will improve.


Forum Asst. Chief
I agree w/flight medic. I'm working at a telecom place right now while finishing my EMT-P.

Is it what I "want" to do? Not really.
Is it a job that I'm grateful for? Most definitely!

Chin up, man. It will improve.

Exactly.. when you think about it how many college kids do just odd jobs while their in college.. Or adults who are between jobs. with no income. Its reality man low pay is better than no pay

When I was in college years back. I was working at Sears Auto Center.... was it my dream job.. Hell no, but it paid the bills.

And now I listen to Ron Whites Lugnut day and laugh.. Cause I went to tire college..


Forum Crew Member
I had my EMT for a while and worked as a burger cook before I landed a job. I found it good experience, when dealing with idiots haha. Flight medic has really good advice


Forum Ride Along
Was just talking with a guy about this earlier. My wife is a third year medical student. We had to move to a other city for rotations and I took a very short PT job installing conveyer belts at a factory. Four 10 hour days from a Fri to a Monday. Did it suck? Yup! But it would have paid for a U-Haul!
