Lenior Community College EMS-Paramedic hybird program

purple butterfly

Forum Probie
Is there anyone that will be starting Lenior's EMS academy program next month or soon? If so, it would be great to hear from you. Also, for previous students of this program; how did you like the program? I believe there are 10 times (weekends) that we have to attend campus...could you tell me alittle about that. Thanks.


Forum Probie
We started with 16. There are 6 originals members left. A few recycles. A very good group of students. We actually grown very close.
Instructors are great. Very engaging. Very helpful. Very willing to help. Our class was moving nicely until around Christmas. The assignments over the Christmas/New Year break were brutal. Everyone got behind. It was simply impossible to read all the chapters and complete all the assignments. I don't know that any of us recovered from that week. Pretty much now, it's skim the book and internet for answers to homework, complete essays...yes, I said essays and field/clinical. It is very important you have all your paperwork in order prior to your first visit. This means all your shots, school records, drug test, etc... You are provided a list. You need to have this stuff done. Now, listen very closely to this part. Everyone in our class with the exception of one has had problems being placed in a field/clinical setting. Ask the question up front. What are my options for ride time? What are my options for clinical? Make sure it's doable. Some of us still are not placed. Other are driving 2-3 hours one way. I cannot emphasize this enough. Ask before you start!

purple butterfly

Forum Probie
Mookie, Thank you for the information and your time. I am glad to hear that it's engaging and that the instructors are great. Essays, ugh! Thanks for the advice on ride time and clinicals. I inquired about that and was told it shouldn't be a problem since I'm in the Charlotte metro NC area. What area are your clinicals? How many days a week do you (or others) do clinicals and ride time) ...atleast 1 day of clinical and 1 riding per week? The reason I ask is because I currently work part-time 3 days a week. I'm hoping my days off will be enough for assignments, clinicals and ride time. Thanks again for your response.


Forum Ride Along
I am also currently enrolled and what they recommend is 2 days a week. What most of us have done or what er were trying to do is in the 1st phase you have to do 120 hrs intern and 158 hrs hospital clinical. then after that and in phase 2, i finished my hospital hrs and wanted to just focus on field intern or ride time and not be going back and forth since an ambulance is what we are truly training for. I agree to have all your paperwork ready on day one. NO EXCUSES. i am the only one in my class that did not have initial issues and a few have been on me. with that said, their are many ways that it could be improved and i will go more in depth later if need be. just ask and we will share if interested. Good Program in theory, need to have several and i do mean several yrs experience to truly got what is needed out of a hybrid program like this one. Not saying it can not be done, but experience does help greatly!!!

purple butterfly

Forum Probie
Fred That is some good advice and honest feedback. It sounds like i will have enough time; I know its gonna be intense.. I like how you gave the break down example of hours. Thank you! Continued success to you.


Forum Probie
You should be fine, purple butterfly. There are numerous options around the Charlotte area. One thing to consider. Go to a clinical setting that best benefits you. Example. If you go to a teaching hospital, they are going to look after their students first. Same for hospitals with residents. This was the reason I wanted a smaller, rural hospital. Very little to no competition. Just food for thought. But, yeah. You should be good to go. Fred made some excellent points. The class is mostly AEMT and "old" Intermediate EMT's. A few EMT-B are in the class. You could really see the difference with skills like IV therapy. No biggie. I'm pretty sure everyone in our class is passing. You need to get started with your clinical and ride time ASAP. That's the best advice that I can give you.


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
Just heard from my buddy who is attending their program.... he didn't have many good things to say about the program, particularly the organization and workload that the instructors put on the students.

I know several people who did their intermediate through Lenoir..... all went elsewhere to get their paramedic.... if you ask me that tells you something.

it's a great concept, but I think they still need to work out some of the bugs

purple butterfly

Forum Probie
Medic2100 that's Great! Thanks for the input. DrParasite thanks for your feedback. In all fairness a heavy workload should be expected especially with the online portion since they don't have to sit through long lectures. I've taken several online courses and it does require more self-motivation and self-discipline. I'm just beginning the course so we shall see how it goes....☺☺


Forum Ride Along
So Pu
Medic2100 that's Great! Thanks for the input. DrParasite thanks for your feedback. In all fairness a heavy workload should be expected especially with the online portion since they don't have to sit through long lectures. I've taken several online courses and it does require more self-motivation and self-discipline. I'm just beginning the course so we shall see how it goes....☺☺

So, how are you doing in your course. I hope all is well and keep us updated. Myself and Mookie completed our course and are waiting to Test. some make up clinicals were needed. BUt we are getting through it. Good luck!!! And This is Fred from b4.

purple butterfly

Forum Probie
Hello Fred, Congrats on Finishing up. Yahoo! Will you be testing NR? I'd like to hear how that goes for you. Are u required to do hands on skills stations for your test? I am just starting my ride time. still awaiting on approval at a local hospital for clinicals. That's the Tough part for students at LCC is getting assigned, released for clinicals in a reasonable time-frame and finding a good location that takes students. My clinicals will be over an hour away but I can deal with that. Choices are slim for some students depending on where students live. It's a good program if one is willing to apply themself and do ALL the required assignments. And there are Alot of online assignments, tests, quizzes, essays. I do recommend that students have their A&P done, med terminology is helpful and having some prior medical or EMT experience is recommended because otherwise it would be Tough. If I don't get started at the hospital clinicals within the next 2 weeks then we may have to make up some clinicals, too. The communication between instructors and coordinators could be better! But so far it's good. I am learning, enjoying it alot and moving forward. Thanks for checking in and I wish you and Mookie the best!


Forum Ride Along
i am glad to hear it is going well. i also had t drove about and hour to get my time in. both my hospital and internship/ride time. stay on Stephen and do not let up. BE a good steward though. Program is good. I had to finish up my A/P. should be done any day. i will let you know how i fair. Another class mate of ours just passed his cognitive, so i think i was also do well. Good luck and keep it up. Te one ting i learned is you get out what you put in. Who is your instructor? BE ever vigilante!


Forum Ride Along
Hello Fred, Congrats on Finishing up. Yahoo! Will you be testing NR? I'd like to hear how that goes for you. Are u required to do hands on skills stations for your test? I am just starting my ride time. still awaiting on approval at a local hospital for clinicals. That's the Tough part for students at LCC is getting assigned, released for clinicals in a reasonable time-frame and finding a good location that takes students. My clinicals will be over an hour away but I can deal with that. Choices are slim for some students depending on where students live. It's a good program if one is willing to apply themself and do ALL the required assignments. And there are Alot of online assignments, tests, quizzes, essays. I do recommend that students have their A&P done, med terminology is helpful and having some prior medical or EMT experience is recommended because otherwise it would be Tough. If I don't get started at the hospital clinicals within the next 2 weeks then we may have to make up some clinicals, too. The communication between instructors and coordinators could be better! But so far it's good. I am learning, enjoying it alot and moving forward. Thanks for checking in and I wish you and Mookie the best!

i am glad to hear it is going well. i also had t drove about and hour to get my time in. both my hospital and internship/ride time. stay on Stephen and do not let up. BE a good steward though. Program is good. I had to finish up my A/P. should be done any day. i will let you know how i fair. Another class mate of ours just passed his cognitive, so i think i was also do well. Good luck and keep it up. Te one ting i learned is you get out what you put in. Who is your instructor? BE ever vigilante!

purple butterfly

Forum Probie
i am glad to hear it is going well. i also had t drove about and hour to get my time in. both my hospital and internship/ride time. stay on Stephen and do not let up. BE a good steward though. Program is good. I had to finish up my A/P. should be done any day. i will let you know how i fair. Another class mate of ours just passed his cognitive, so i think i was also do well. Good luck and keep it up. Te one ting i learned is you get out what you put in. Who is your instructor? BE ever vigilante!

You are right, we stay on them, sending lots of emails:) and right, you get out what you put in....for example: I always ask questions and during clinicals/ride time I jump in and say can I do it...that way I get the hands on experience. my instructors initials are SS. Been nice so far, as long as we don't mess up :):) Best of luck. I'm sure you will pass, keep me posted.


Forum Probie
At this point. I would not recommend the program. For all that is good and right with LCC, dealing with clinical coordinator has completely ruined the experience for me. What might possibly be the most important piece of the puzzle is without a shadow the weakest link in the program.


Forum Crew Member
Just to add what I learned while researching attending Lenoir for paramedic-
I had been looking into them for about 1 1/2 years. I live in Florida and last I heard, about 4 months ago, there are no clinical sites available in FL. The issue, I was told by Lenoir, is not that they have not been able to get clinical sites to approve FL students in the program to do their clinicals in Florida but is that they can not get the state of Florida to allow a college from an outside state to allow Lenoir to have clinical sites in Florida. Hopefully that isn't too confusing. Essentially the problem is with the state of Florida not with the local rescues/hospitals.
I was told I could do my clinicals in a different state where they have sites at however I would have to an EMT in that state. For example, my parents live in SC. There are a few clinical sites near them. In order for me to do my clinicals in SC I would have to apply to be an EMT in SC, complete the application, pay the fees, etc. When I calculated it up I wasn't really saving any money leaving the state for the clinicals.
Anyone considering doing the course should contact Lenoir to confirm there are clinical sites near you or make sure you have the money to travel. Don't forget travel means gas, mileage, wear and tear on the vehicle, rental cars, lodging, food, etc.
Luckily my current job will work around my schedule and will pay for paramedic school. I start paramedic school in August locally. I wish everyone who does the program luck just make sure you can find somewhere nearby for clinicals or have money for traveling.