Keeping a jump bag in your car?


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
I think it's funny that people thinks it's silly for folks to drop 500 bucks on a jump bad they'll never use but some of these folks probably have a 1000 dollar set of golf clubs in the closet or a mountain bike that still have the tags on them after years of not being used. Just saying :)

Just for the record I have both a set of golf clubs and a bike both of which I've used maybe a dozen times each.

I try and separate my non-work activities from work as much as possible. When what you do at work becomes what you do when you're not at work (playing EMT at MVCs), that's when an issue arises.


Forum Captain
I keep a smallish kit in my trunk that Is for 3 things only
1) I have a few youth sports standby gigs (scope is purely 1st aid. If it requires anything more than that, only equipment I'd really need is my phone)
2) As was mentioned before by someone else, I keep a small pharmacy of OTC meds, mainly for colds and curing hangovers.
3) I am somewhat accident prone.


Forum Asst. Chief
I mentioned that I have an off the shelf first aid kit in my car, but just today I was informed I am a 'designated first aider' at my non-EMS job, meaning I'm required by law to respond to a medical emergency on premises if one occurs.

That got me thinking, I'd much rather use my own kit I packed and organized myself, than rely on the one in the back that probably hasn't even been opened since it was hung on the wall a decade ago. And If I'm required to respond, I might as well go as far as my scope will let me.

Anyone know a good place to get OPAs on the cheap? :rofl:


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
Those can degrade so just be careful!

Any extra gloves in my pocket get placed in the glove compartment of my car. I also have my cell phone. An ambulance is only a few minutes behind the first 911 call, so I really don't see the need to have anything more.

I usually just pull up alongside, and ask if they called 911 already. They say yes, and I'm on my way. If they say no, well, I'll see how it works if the time comes.

Yeah good idea to rotate em out especially during the summer or they'll just fall apart on yah.


Forum Captain
I mentioned that I have an off the shelf first aid kit in my car, but just today I was informed I am a 'designated first aider' at my non-EMS job, meaning I'm required by law to respond to a medical emergency on premises if one occurs.

That got me thinking, I'd much rather use my own kit I packed and organized myself, than rely on the one in the back that probably hasn't even been opened since it was hung on the wall a decade ago. And If I'm required to respond, I might as well go as far as my scope will let me.

Anyone know a good place to get OPAs on the cheap? :rofl:



Forum Asst. Chief
If you can't fit it in a little ziploc bag, then you don't need it to be driving around with it "just in case."

Man, last time I got stopped with a little ziploc bag in the car I got tazed and sent to jail for 18 months. If only I had told the cops it was my "jump bag"


Forum Lieutenant
I keep a small BLS kit in my truck. I respond POV to a good number of calls off duty (and get paid) as a quick response personnel. If I can make it there before the ambulance on an E1, can be of assistance, they call for manpower, or if they are OOS and our mutual aid has an extended response.. I'll go.

I get the most use out of my gloves, steth, cuff, watch, pen, and paper, but I have used 4x4s and twice now my BVM. This past Sunday I responded to a chest pain/difficulty breathing turned cardiac arrest a few miles from my home (when my pager goes off seconds after the original tone, you know something has gone downhill quick), and another time I responded to an arrest on the other side of town while waiting on a truck from the other side of the county.

I have a small $30 bag, which I stocked with supplies from the service. When I pass my medic next month (hopefully), I will probably keep some IV supplies and intubation kit, as running ALS will allow me to jump more calls while another EMT grabs a truck.


Forum Chief
Man, last time I got stopped with a little ziploc bag in the car I got tazed and sent to jail for 18 months. If only I had told the cops it was my "jump bag"

That is awesome


Forum Lieutenant
I think it's funny that people thinks it's silly for folks to drop 500 bucks on a jump bad they'll never use but some of these folks probably have a 1000 dollar set of golf clubs in the closet or a mountain bike that still have the tags on them after years of not being used. Just saying :)

Just for the record I have both a set of golf clubs and a bike both of which I've used maybe a dozen times each.

Want to unload those clubs?


Dances with Patients
I think it's funny that people thinks it's silly for folks to drop 500 bucks on a jump bad they'll never use but some of these folks probably have a 1000 dollar set of golf clubs in the closet or a mountain bike that still have the tags on them after years of not being used. Just saying :)

Just for the record I have both a set of golf clubs and a bike both of which I've used maybe a dozen times each.

I'd take the bike. Just gate check it your next time you're going to a VA airport. I'll pick it right up.


Forum Probie
A lot of members of my rural fire dept that are also EMT cert carry jumps bags for the reason that they will most likely get to the callers location before the unit dose and this has helped us as a dept. My dept is almost literary out in the middle of nowhere with mountains and rivers running all through it.

I currently do not have a jump bag in my car but thats because I have yet to take my state exam for EMT-B. Once I get that cert I'll have one in my car. currently I have ...

2 CPR masks w/ one way valve
1 level c haz-mat suit
1 halogen tool
1 pix ax
3 different kind of knives ( tools not weapons
1 bottle of excedrin migraine
1 bottle of aleve
a pack of band-aids
and some neosporin (one time use packs)


The Young One
I carry a BLS kit in my car for the reason that when I became an operations officer they gave me said BLS kit because I sometimes have to respond POV to scene. I end up using it a fair amount. If I was not issued it, I wouldn't go out and buy one.


Forum Moron
A lot of members of my rural fire dept that are also EMT cert carry jumps bags for the reason that they will most likely get to the callers location before the unit dose and this has helped us as a dept. My dept is almost literary out in the middle of nowhere with mountains and rivers running all through it.

I currently do not have a jump bag in my car but thats because I have yet to take my state exam for EMT-B. Once I get that cert I'll have one in my car. currently I have ...

2 CPR masks w/ one way valve
1 level c haz-mat suit
1 halogen tool
1 pix ax
3 different kind of knives ( tools not weapons
1 bottle of excedrin migraine
1 bottle of aleve
a pack of band-aids
and some neosporin (one time use packs)
You should get either a flat head axe or a sledge, it'd make that halagain bar WAY more efficient.


Forum Probie
the ax was given to me as a joke by one of the guy at the dept ... I put it in the car and it has yet to been taken out ... that was over a year ago


Forum Deputy Chief
CPR mask and hemorrhage control. More importantly, I've got a cell phone. I can call and have an ALS truck at the scene in 3 minutes almost anywhere near me. And by gosh they can do more than I can.


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
A lot of members of my rural fire dept that are also EMT cert carry jumps bags for the reason that they will most likely get to the callers location before the unit dose and this has helped us as a dept. My dept is almost literary out in the middle of nowhere with mountains and rivers running all through it.

I currently do not have a jump bag in my car but thats because I have yet to take my state exam for EMT-B. Once I get that cert I'll have one in my car. currently I have ...

2 CPR masks w/ one way valve
1 level c haz-mat suit
1 halogen tool
1 pix ax
3 different kind of knives ( tools not weapons
1 bottle of excedrin migraine
1 bottle of aleve
a pack of band-aids
and some neosporin (one time use packs)

What the heck is a halogen tool? Sounds fun...


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
A very bright pry bar.

Hmm sounds like a good next purchase, the set of irons in my trunk is just not as luminescent as I would like. Neither is the K-saw come to think of it.