IV Question


Forum Captain
If good ole Barney can start an IV why can't anyone else


Kip Teitsort, Founder
I must have missed something.

I just want to point out that Rid always tries to give a good anwer to EMS related questions. There was a time I thought he came across a little harsh, but when you dug deeper the true meaning came out.

Rid has offered help to tons of folks on different EMS sites. He does offer a wealth of knowledge to those who would ask...............myself included.

I came to EMTlife because I was tired of the arrogance seen at other EMS sites. There are a couple where guys who may have worked a shift or two claim to be Gods among men.

At least here there is very little if any in the way of pissing matches.

I sincerely hope the attitudes that drove so many away from other places don't surface here.

People know I am passionate about the safety of EMS and can come across wrong when it comes to training EMS on real-world safety skills and I think that may be the case with RId.

He is passionate about EMS education and may be taken wrong sometimes. But his message still holds truth.

Just my humble opinion.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Okay folks, it seems some of us need a refresher on the forum rules, especially rule #1. For those of you that can't find them, they are located here under the FAQ section

Suffice it to say that certain members (and you should know who you are), now have my complete and undivided attention.

You may disagree with someone here, but remember
Keep it clean...
Keep it civil...
Keep it respectful...



Forum Asst. Chief
"Starting IV could be taught to a monkey.. (hey we teach EMT's everyday.. LOL)"

I'll tell you again, buddy, you are in the WRONG room! If you are so anti-EMT, then find a paragod site to join! These EMT's in here are trying to benifit from the discussions and learn something here. They don't need you constantly put them down. Go take up golf or something to take out your anger toward EMT's on, don't bring that crap in here where they are trying to have simple discussions. Just remember, "you are one patient away from not being a paramedic". You, too can mess up! Your attitude is dangerous!!!!

I love it when new people come in and start demanding that other more experienced people leave because most of the time, these new people aren't fit to shine these experienced people's shoes.


Forum Captain
I love it when new people come in and start demanding that other more experienced people leave because most of the time, these new people aren't fit to shine these experienced people's shoes.

Now that was an insult!!!!

I am not here to demand anything of anyone except that Rid needs to show some respect for EMT-B's. That is insulting to them. All I am doing is trying to stand up for what this site was made for. EMT's. You must understand. It bothers me to no end for someone to constantly bash those who try hard everyday to learn and do the best they can. I can't help the system any more than anyone else can, but the fact is that EMT-B's should not be ridiculed. If you will look back on the earlier posts that started this, he compared EMT-B's to monkeys. That is what got me like this in this room. If you look at the other rooms, I am totally respectfull until someone starts bashing EMT-B's. And so far the one who is doing it is Ridryder.

Experienced? I have years of experience in EMS. I am doing nothing wrong by taking up for the people who are not paramedics. It does not matter what topic is posted, ridryder is always comming in there trying to dominate the forum, and alot of times it is insulting to those of lesser training than he. The thing that started the Barney Fife thing, is he told one of my best friends who happends to be one of the best paramedics I know and is a federal officer that they would let any old Barney carry a gun. I was just explaining to him what the charactor of Barney was. If you would open your eyes and see, it is ridryder who is insulting everyone on here. Not me. I am just trying to take up for those he is insulting.

I am in here to share my experiences with everyone else. It does not need to be ruined by someone like that, everytime something is said he doesn't agree with he insults. I am just tired of it. And by the way, I am not new. I have been a member for quite some time. I remember when Ridryder came to this site, and I also remember that he is why I stopped posting herem, due to his paragod attitude and trying to take controle of eevery topic posted. But, he will not run me off this time. We could not have a decent discussion going for him comming in and taking it over with is insulting comments. I don't take that off of anyone, and I'm not going to start with him!!! I have just as much right to be here as anyone else does.

I'm not fit to shine his shoes??? You don't even know me!!! Maybe you are not even fit to carry my jump bag, I don't know! But, I have not insulted you, and you have no right to insult me!

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EMS Guru
Personally, these are EMS forums. I post due to vast majority of EMT's that post are usually newbies and wannabes. Many times erroneous/misinformation is given out, true professionals with in-depth EMS experience is very rare. More than riding in a ambulance, is sometimes needed to discuss the EMS system.

When approached to be able to name committees, or ad-hoc sessions that they are participating on, or even served upon, most usually fall short. Most cannot even tell you who is in even in charge of the EMT criteria in their state or nationally. Furthermore, I have found a lot of of these EMS personnel are not able to see the forest for the trees. Many only see day by day operations and wanting to give & get "fuzzy warm feelings". That is fine if that is what they want post.. and receive.

I don't post to give or receive either. I read and post to see new changes, discuss the problems in the profession, to review new changes that are occurring, and ways I can improve myself and the EMS system profession as a whole. My posts on IV's was more in regards of the piss poor "training" system we have in lieu of a truly educational system.

I know, I have learned off many others from EMS forums all with variable certs and license and have became friends and personally met many of those as well.

EMS is changing both in medical and professional growth. I do believe it is the place of the forums to educationally discuss and even debate things, as long as it is not anecdotal, it should be scientific, based upon medical findings, professional literature without feelings. We all have personal feelings, but it is irregardless what we feel if we cannot scientifically back those statements up. Otherwise it would be an opinon and we all know what they say about opinons.

If EMS is to ever really grow. We should be discussing medical research, possible paradigm changes, new methodology of treatment, EMT license and certification changes, as well one should have an open and educated mind. Although, I may not agree 100% of the time, as an educated person, I must evaluate the pro's and con's and then make my determination, albeit it may not really matter what I think. I usually post links or an article to back up my findings, other wise again it would be a personal opinion.

The difference between many of you and me is I look into the future of EMS. Five to 15 years, not just the immediate. The EMS system is currently on life support, and some states have a DNR.. There are immediate dangers in EMS. Some of these topics are being able to fund rural departments, the increasing liability and litigation against volunteers, cities being sued for only providing BLS services, shortage of Paramedics and the overabundance of basic EMT's. Not to even mention the poor education level and admittance criteria that is continuing at the EMS education and institutions.

There are a lot more problems to discuss than rants... I apologised once. I will try to clarify if you cannot understand the point, or innuendos. I have nothing to prove to anyone, only to promote, educate, investigate the profession of EMS.

I do respect the administration of the forum and their policies.

R/r 911


Forum Asst. Chief
Okay folks, it seems some of us need a refresher on the forum rules, especially rule #1. For those of you that can't find them, they are located here under the FAQ section

Suffice it to say that certain members (and you should know who you are), now have my complete and undivided attention.

You may disagree with someone here, but remember
Keep it clean...
Keep it civil...
Keep it respectful...


they trying to catch us postin' dirty.


Forum Captain
If good ole Barney can start an IV why can't anyone else

This was ment as a joke to an earlier post by someone else. I will not name names. It was however ment toward me and my kind. I did not take insult to it I am not that thined skinned. What I was saying here is if I can do it anyone can.

People here need to lighten up and Just smile. Makes 'em wonder what you are thinking.


Forum Captain
This was ment as a joke to an earlier post by someone else. I will not name names. It was however ment toward me and my kind. I did not take insult to it I am not that thined skinned. What I was saying here is if I can do it anyone can.

People here need to lighten up and Just smile. Makes 'em wonder what you are thinking.

Yeah, ya ignorant flunkie! lol


Forum Ride Along
If you don't like Rids's comments or find them insulting, DON'T READ EM'. I am an EMT-B and I understand and am not offended, and TRAUMA!!! have you noticed you are the only one complaining. If you don't like it, dont read it BOTTOM LINE!!



Forum Asst. Chief
I've got the skin of a 29 week old preemie, I can't survive all this abuse...the sheriff needs to come in here and flush you bad apples out of here. :sad:


Forum Captain
If you don't like Rids's comments or find them insulting, DON'T READ EM'. I am an EMT-B and I understand and am not offended, and TRAUMA!!! have you noticed you are the only one complaining. If you don't like it, dont read it BOTTOM LINE!!


Dude, you must have missed something here! I am not the only one comeplaining, you should read the whole thread and others before you single me out!!! If you don't like my comments, you don't have to read them either. I think what is good for one is good for everyone!


Forum Captain
That's ignorant, pill pushing flunkie to you.....Let's get it right!!

You forgot idiot! Let me put it together for you, you ignorant, pill pushing, flunkie idiot!!!!!!


Forum Captain
I've got the skin of a 29 week old preemie, I can't survive all this abuse...the sheriff needs to come in here and flush you bad apples out of here. :sad:

you are being ugly!!!! Be pretty!


Forum Captain
oh, no! i didn't mean for this thread to turn into trauma drama! thanks for all of the helpful replies, and i certainly haven't been offended by anyone here. anyway, when i finally learn some more info on this subject, i'll be sure to give you the details. perhaps that will clarify some things for all of us. oh, and for the record....you're all monkeys!!!:p
