Hoping to put a smile on your faces


Forum Lieutenant
I just figured I would tell briefly about a call that had a few humorous points. I am not asking for an evaluation. just trying to make everyone smile.

So I get a call to a mall for an OD.
I got updated while en route that it was the Sears parking lot and there were 2 OD patients.
-->Who the hell OD's in a Sears parking lot. If you are gonna OD or even just take drugs, wouldn't you want to be somewhere more private. I mean using drugs is still illegal right?

The best part of the call tho, is as we arrive and are driving up to the car surround by PD and FD. As we approach, speeding to the scene is Paul Blart:Mall cop. We saw the Mall cop riding the little segway/scooter thingy fully equipped with yellow vest and helmet. My partner and I were laughing so hard seeing this. we both commented that if this guy crashed into the back of a cop car we probably would have peed ourselves laughing so hard that we would have had to go out of service for uniform issues.

Do to their low respirations of about 6-8 I figured if we gave them each 0.5mg Narcan, we would just fix the breathing without waking them up. well, that didn't work. They were completely alert and oriented and refusing to go to the hospital and get checked out. I fought hard with them to go, using every tactic, even scare tactics and the word 'death' but alas they were too dumb to go.

All the guy wanted was for his gf to go to the PD station with him. Um, dumbass, once you get there you 2 will be separated anyway. last time I checked jail does not have co-ed cells. so this idiot would rather go to a jail cell then to a hospital.

I used to think that people could no longer surprise me with their own stupidity, but alas I was surprised again. I'm not saying I have seen it all, but I thought I realized to the extent that human stupidity runs.

So instead of the hospital, they went to jail and I thoroughly expected to go to the jail to get them...but we did not have to....

I hop this at least made you smile...the funny part about the mall cop was that a co-worker brought it to work that day as well...oh the irony...LOL



Forum Chief
You didn't make me smile. Just frown and shake my head.