Have you been vaccinated against meningococcal meningitis?

Have you been vaccinated against meningococcal meningitis?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 41.4%
  • No

    Votes: 17 58.6%

  • Total voters


Forum Deputy Chief
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I'm just curious to see how many EMS providers have been immunized. Please post if you have any "special notes". Also - anyone required to have this immunization by their employer? Did you get it because of military service?

Just FYI the 2 vaccines available are Menomune and Menactra.

FYI - I have not been immunized but I'm trying to scrounge up the money to do so.
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I was vaccinated because I live in a dorm, which increases my risk of exposure.

My primary care practitioner did not have the vaccine as he has very few college-aged patients and therefore it is rarely requested, but the campus health clinic has them on hand.

My insurance covered the cost minus a standard doctor visit copay.
It was a military requirement for me..............

Got it back in '94.
I have never been vaccinated for it. I actually had it when I was 5.
I was vaccinated because I live in a dorm, which increases my risk of exposure.

My primary care practitioner did not have the vaccine as he has very few college-aged patients and therefore it is rarely requested, but the campus health clinic has them on hand.

Same here. I was required to get Hep. A vaccinated when I entered undergrad with starting the first shot prior to starting class. When I went in to get my second shot at the student health clinic I ended up taking the option to start over and get the Twinrix HepA/HepB combined vaccine.
Meningitis Vaccine

I was offered the vaccine (Twinrix HepA/HepB Combined) while working @ the hospital and I decided to go forward and have the vaccination which was good because upon entering college I needed the vaccine.
Hmmm, this reminds me, I need to get my last Twinrix....
My service didn't even ask what vaccinations I had when they hired me. We had quite a few that we needed for school, though. Meningitis wasn't one of them. They offered it to us back in college, but I didn't feel like paying for it.
Yeah, the places I go to play medical person.... I will take whatever protection I can get
Yah, I got it when I started college.
Had to have it before I started college, but probably would have gotten it anyway.