got the EMT-B, now what?


Forum Ride Along
Howdy ya'll. This'll be my first post here. I just got my EMT-B and am currently taking EMT-I. I've been asking around different forums for suggestions on good con-ed. I want to eventually get into trauma/tactical medicine, eventually, but I'm lookin for the basics right now. So far I've been recommended:
a&p, pharmacology, pathophysiology, taking a medical terminology class, and taking a WEMT or OEC class.

so.....what else? There's gotta be a lot more. Any good online resources? i want to immerse myself, so anything and everything would be cool.


IFT Puppet
A paramedic course

Criminal Justice classes

Psychology classes


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader

Added for the benefit of the ridiculous ten characters rule.

That 10 character rule was implemented for exactly those type of "+1" posts...;)


Forum Captain
How about some experience in the field? People can go to all the classes available and get all the certs in the world but if you don't have experience then all that school doesn't mean anything.

Crimson Ghost

Forum Crew Member
Howdy ya'll. This'll be my first post here. I just got my EMT-B and am currently taking EMT-I. I've been asking around different forums for suggestions on good con-ed. I want to eventually get into trauma/tactical medicine, eventually, but I'm lookin for the basics right now. So far I've been recommended:
a&p, pharmacology, pathophysiology, taking a medical terminology class, and taking a WEMT or OEC class.

so.....what else? There's gotta be a lot more. Any good online resources? i want to immerse myself, so anything and everything would be cool.

Stress management
Defensive driver course
Bloodborne pathogens
Health care,nutrition&fitness
Math,philosophy and science
Communications skills
thats what i dug up ,relevant for work in healthcare.


Forum Probie
I would go on the streets, education in emergency means almost nothing until you'll touch the patient.
My point of view changed a lot when I started working as an emt

Wyoming Medic

Forum Crew Member
Yup, Hit the streets. Life altering from the dreams that you have in class. I feel very badly when I see people get straight out of medic class and finally get to touch a patient only to find out that they don't like it.

Go get some contact. Get poop on your fingers, vomit in your shoe, urine in your hair THEN decide what to do. If you can still say that you want to do this job AFTER to bodily fluid parts then by all means GO TO MEDIC SCHOOL!!!!!

Wy medic


The Truth Provider
Howdy ya'll. This'll be my first post here. I just got my EMT-B and am currently taking EMT-I. I've been asking around different forums for suggestions on good con-ed. I want to eventually get into trauma/tactical medicine, eventually, but I'm lookin for the basics right now. So far I've been recommended:
a&p, pharmacology, pathophysiology, taking a medical terminology class, and taking a WEMT or OEC class.

so.....what else? There's gotta be a lot more. Any good online resources? i want to immerse myself, so anything and everything would be cool.

Excellent that you immediatly are continueing your education. Continue on to Paramedic as soon as you get a good A&P. Do not waste time, go forward and you will do more good for more people.


Forum Probie
Stay an EMT Basic for 15 years then complain that all you do is shucks, or about the medics who don't know s**t, because everyone knows that: "I've been doing this for 15 years.." Then when your old and gray look back with regret that you never went any further, but always come up with an excuse why.
At least that's what I see alot of Basics do.


The Truth Provider
Stay an EMT Basic for 15 years then complain that all you do is shucks, or about the medics who don't know s**t, because everyone knows that: "I've been doing this for 15 years.." Then when your old and gray look back with regret that you never went any further, but always come up with an excuse why.
At least that's what I see alot of Basics do.

How true!!!!!!!!!!


Forum Deputy Chief
Stay an EMT Basic for 15 years then complain that all you do is shucks, or about the medics who don't know s**t, because everyone knows that: "I've been doing this for 15 years.." Then when your old and gray look back with regret that you never went any further, but always come up with an excuse why.
At least that's what I see alot of Basics do.

The OP was asking for some actual help with a specific task. What help was your response. What did your response do other than be insulting, and show a marked bias towards basics? It was not helpful and only educational about your own inability to get past a few bad apples.

As my mama used to say.. if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.


Forum Probie
I meant no bias, I was a Basic as well, as were both my parents. The posts intent was the EXACT advice I give to those who seem like they want to be in this career for awhile, that being DON'T STOP, go on and get your Medic. Too many Basics think that the 110 hours course is all they need, and they remind me of the line from "Better Off Dead"..."I've been at this high school for 7 years, i'm no dummy."
The truth is if you want a long satisfying career in EMS you either need to continue on up the ladder or settle for being low-man.
And I find there is a resentment in Basics for those that have been doing this for less time but have gone on to get their Intermediate or Medic. Be Honest how many times have you heard: "He's forgotten where he came from, why I was his preceptor when he was a Basic." Yes, well, this is not an apprenticeship job, time is not a qualifier.


Forum Deputy Chief
I meant no bias, I was a Basic as well, as were both my parents. The posts intent was the EXACT advice I give to those who seem like they want to be in this career for awhile, that being DON'T STOP, go on and get your Medic. Too many Basics think that the 110 hours course is all they need, and they remind me of the line from "Better Off Dead"..."I've been at this high school for 7 years, i'm no dummy."
The truth is if you want a long satisfying career in EMS you either need to continue on up the ladder or settle for being low-man.
And I find there is a resentment in Basics for those that have been doing this for less time but have gone on to get their Intermediate or Medic. Be Honest how many times have you heard: "He's forgotten where he came from, why I was his preceptor when he was a Basic." Yes, well, this is not an apprenticeship job, time is not a qualifier.

Now that was an accurate thoughtful response. free of the sarcasm, bitterness and rancour of your earlier post. Thank you for the re-write.


Forum Probie
Bossy, I disagree with your assesment of my original post, but thank you for the acknowledement.

AJ Hidell

Forum Deputy Chief
I'm a little surprised and disappointed that no one has mentioned joining the military. Just seems like a natural choice, considering the specific direction that the OP wants to pursue.