First Time Taking NREMT


Forum Ride Along
I know this has probably been posted a lot on here but I'm gonna post anyways! I'm taking my NREMT for the very first time tomorrow and it's been a year since I've taken the courses. Almost a year ago, I passed my practicals with no problem and kept good grades in the class. I slacked and now I'm here almost a year later freaking out about the test tomorrow. I paid for fisdap and have been using it for the past month, made flash cards, and looked through my class book (Pearson) and used a Pearson study book. And I'm still freaking out because I'm failed fisdap practice exams twice with the same exact score. Failing by 2%. Any help? Has anyone used fisdap? Please help! I'll take advice! And yes I know, I should not have waited this long but unfortunately life happens!


Forum Crew Member
I'm also taking NREMT for the first time. It's only been 2 weeks since I graduated and I'm freaking out that I'm going to start forgetting things. I can't imagine waiting a year! But it's understandable. Like you said, life happens.

I haven't used FISDAP to study (Honestly I didn't know they had a review test. We only used Fisdap for clinical documentation). But I have been using LC Ready and like it.