Fire Academy Training


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What is the Fire Academy like for those of you who have done it? Can you get dismissed from it since your already employed? What are some things to focus on?
What do you mean the Fire Academy? For Phoenix? Or what department? Or is it through a community college. Phoenix requires all people to go through there’s no matter what academy you’ve done in the past. But some of the smaller departments don’t.
I'm currently in a municipal fire academy. We started with 51 Recruits, we currently have 47 because 4 guys have been fired so far.

One guy was let go within the first week or two because he never got his in state drivers license (which was a posted requirement , out of state DLs were explicitly said did not meet the requirements, we were supposed to have by Day 1, he got am extra week or so but wasnt able to get the necessary documents for the state DMV in time, so sunce he failed to even attempt to get that stuff until after Academy started, he got cut before we even began any real training)

2 guys were let go for failing tests. One for failing the skills testing (couldn't get his SCBA on in less than 1 min) and the other failed too many written tests.

The last guy was for behavior, too many write ups, pissed off the chief too many times, and was out.

So yeah, for a municipal dept, you can most def get fired while in the Academy. They've warned us that once we graduate, it's still easy to get fired while on probation, and that that's happened before.
You experience will depend greatly on the department you are in, some are much better than others. Generally speaking fire departments are oriented on how long someone has been on the department, and you are going to be the bottom of the barrel. Generally departments who have their own fire academy consider these students to be recruits until they graduate and are then probationary for a year, during both of which you are very liable to be let go.

Fire I, II (most large departments have probationary recruits complete fire II during their first year), and S130/190 are not intellectually difficult certifications. Hazmat awareness/operations is much more difficulty, although it is mostly rote memorization. Most large departments have their recruits complete EMR or EMT during the academy, but you should be okay if you are already an EMT. Instructors will tell you what you need to know, just be ready to pay attention every day.

Most of fire is being submissive until you have enough experience. You will hear stories about probies who hazed in a myriad of ways, and this is considered normal and okay in a lot of departments; even benign things like not being allowed to sit on the couch can get real old real quick. How a fire department treats EMS is probably going to be similar to how they treat their new hires. If a IFT company catches 911 overflow they should be treated with respect; being a jerk on scene doesn't help the patient, their family, the public, or anyone else involved. Same goes with new hires.
You can get fired while in the academy. normally if you do get dismissed from the academy, your employment ends.

Stuff to focus on: keep your head down, don't cause any issues, be the first person to volunteer for anything, study the material, don't go drinking the day before you have class, pass all the written exams, pass all the practical exams, if you are in a CC program, remember that most of your instructors are firefighters elsewhere, and they can either help or hurt your career, depending on how well you perform. oh, and no high risk activities outside of work; you can get hurt in the academy (which is ok), but if you get hurt outside of academy and can no longer perform, you might be let go.

It's not exactly rocket science, but 1) you need to remember that while they want everyone to pass, they also have to make sure you meet the standards of the program 2) most fire departments are old school; they won't treat you well when you start, until you earn their respect. and you might get yelled at, because that's how their instructors trained them. Don't take it personally, once academy is done, and you have passed successfully, it's behind you. And everyone on the job went through academy too. 3) you will make friends with people in your academy. keep in touch with these people, as they might be able to help you get a job or a new position later on in your career.
What do you mean the Fire Academy? For Phoenix? Or what department? Or is it through a community college. Phoenix requires all people to go through there’s no matter what academy you’ve done in the past. But some of the smaller departments don’t.

I would like to go through Phoenix Fire's Academy
Me too! You should apply for the department when they are open for hire again. I know I will! It’s really competitive to get hired in the department. Are you located in Phoenix?
Me too! You should apply for the department when they are open for hire again. I know I will! It’s really competitive to get hired in the department. Are you located in Phoenix?
I'm technically in Mesa. I wont have my EMT-B finished until May 10th. I have a buddy who works with me now who works on a Crisis Management Engine and hes encouraging me to apply. I haven't done my CPAT yet either though..
Well you still have time! And the hiring probably won’t be until August or September. And technically you could apply with no certs as long as you have your EMT b and cpat and hazmat by a certain date later on in the hiring process. Study that study guide, join an affinity group, get your emt done and who knows what will happen! Mesa Fire and medical is a good department too I hear!
Well you still have time! And the hiring probably won’t be until August or September. And technically you could apply with no certs as long as you have your EMT b and cpat and hazmat by a certain date later on in the hiring process. Study that study guide, join an affinity group, get your emt done and who knows what will happen! Mesa Fire and medical is a good department too I hear!
Yeah I knew i would have time. What is an affinity group? I didn't know you needed your Hazmat Cert though.
Sounds like a question for the link below since it is fire-related and not EMS related. You'll probably get more information!
Its related to both actually because Fire out here is Medical as well.

As it is in most places it seems.

Do you do EMS stuff in the academy though (besides CPR/FR)? Or is it strictly fire training?