FDNY EMS Candidates


Forum Probie
Good luck everyone I was at the 2pm PAT. Large classes going in..
Whoa I was too! I was the girl with brownish long hair, one of the first groups in. So funny we were probably right near each other and didnt even know lol


Forum Crew Member
9 out of 10 if you passed the stairmaster you passed the PAT. Good luck to every one starting the academy tomorrow.


Forum Probie
9 out of 10 if you passed the stairmaster you passed the PAT. Good luck to every one starting the academy tomorrow.
Oh man I hope you're right. The two day wait is like murdering me right now. So awesome to the people starting the academy Monday!!! Can't wait to be in your shoes!


Forum Captain
Whoever goes for medical or intake soon, ask what number they expect to get to for July. Hopefully they finish off all of 5003, but I doubt it. We will find out. Good luck to u guys starting tomorrow. STAY AWAKE! It'll fly by.


Forum Crew Member
Whoever goes for medical or intake soon, ask what number they expect to get to for July. Hopefully they finish off all of 5003, but I doubt it. We will find out. Good luck to u guys starting tomorrow. STAY AWAKE! It'll fly by.

5003 list is only a year old with 1600 people on the list. They won't be done anytime soon. I could see the top 20 people from the last exam in the July class.


Forum Captain
5003 list is only a year old with 1600 people on the list. They won't be done anytime soon. I could see the top 20 people from the last exam in the July class.

They hit the mid 800s to fill up the last class and are still a bit backed up because of the whole transcare situation... I'm pretty sure they will get as close to the end as possible with the July Class


Forum Captain
5003 list is only a year old with 1600 people on the list. They won't be done anytime soon. I could see the top 20 people from the last exam in the July class.
About 2 more classes to exhaust 5003, January will be all 6003 guys. They got up to early 900s, they're not going through 600-700 guys for July class. September they'll grab from 6003. Where u at on the list bro


Forum Crew Member
About 2 more classes to exhaust 5003, January will be all 6003 guys. They got up to early 900s, they're not going through 600-700 guys for July class. September they'll grab from 6003. Where u at on the list bro

I am on the job. When I got hired on, I was in one of the largest classes put in and currently assigned to operations. I was high 20s. First class of my list. It was me and 25 other people off my list and the rest were off the previous list.


Forum Captain
I am on the job. When I got hired on, I was in one of the largest classes put in and currently assigned to operations. I was high 20s. First class of my list. It was me and 25 other people off my list and the rest were off the previous list.
Oh nice. Yeah went from 80 to late 300s for January class, went from late 300s to late 800s/early 900s for April class. So we'll see. Sit back and be patient for all j guys in 6003


Forum Crew Member
Quick question now i have a brain fart. Was we suppose to bring the black duffle bag with the stuff in it tomorrow too or thats for tuesday cause that paper dont say orientation but the letter we got in the mail dont say bring that bag

Joseph taye

Forum Probie
Any one can tell me the weight/height limit? Weither you have a picture or not im 5foot 8inchs and weigh in at 201 my bmi is 30-31 do you know what my BMI has to be?


Forum Lieutenant
Hey guys, first off congratz on everyone that got in the April academy, I'm psyched for you. I just have a question for everyone that had already been in the Academy. I asked my investigator about my issue and she said she will ask a supervisor for me. So I'm 1076 on 5003, and if they really got up to 930's for April, i should have July on lock. My card expires on September 30,2016. If we take the state about a month through the class I should be fine right? Or do i have to have my original cert throughout the WHOLE Academy? Is expired cards talked about at all on this Thread? Or does anyone have any friends that had their card expire close to the end of their Academy?

You'll be fine you'll have a new card by then I got mine a few weeks after state


Forum Lieutenant
Here is some quick advice to all you new probies starting Monday. Don't be late. Buy extra collar pins and tie clips from quartermaster when you can, put them in your car or locker and keep them there. Also bring a couple extra white t-shirts, black socks, and an extra tie. Trust me, if you don't forget it, someone else will and you guys gotta look out for each other. I don't know how these new drill instructors are, I didn't have them when I was in the academy. If you guys have any questions I will try to answer them.


STAY AWAY FROM SOCIAL MEDIA WHILE IN THE ACADEMY! This seems to jam up a lot of people on the job and in the academy. Don't let Facebook or any other social media site ruin your career.

Just an FYI buy extra an tie clip and tie for your locker. don't worry about collar brass yours will be taken away and you won't get them back till right before graduation


Forum Lieutenant
So good luck to everyone starting tomorrow. The academy can be fun or miserable it's up to you. Keep everything tight and do what the di's and instructors tell you and you'll be fine. Don't fall asleep, be late, take your phones from your car, talk back, have an attitude, or post anything on social media and you'll be fine!! Good luck and have fun!!


Forum Lieutenant
Quick question on the paperwork packet, I was looking over the questions on page 2 question 12-17. It states if you answer "YES", you must provide complete details specifying dates, agency, reason, disposition, etc. on page 18. Question 12 is "Are you a nonresident of New York City who is not required to move into New York City?" The other questions are about being barred, disciplined, demoted and so on. I am NOT a resident of NYC and I do NOT need to be a resident of NYC for EMS, so how do I explain that on page 18?


Forum Probie
Quick question on the paperwork packet, I was looking over the questions on page 2 question 12-17. It states if you answer "YES", you must provide complete details specifying dates, agency, reason, disposition, etc. on page 18. Question 12 is "Are you a nonresident of New York City who is not required to move into New York City?" The other questions are about being barred, disciplined, demoted and so on. I am NOT a resident of NYC and I do NOT need to be a resident of NYC for EMS, so how do I explain that on page 18?
Just like that^ lol. You're not required to move therefore you don't have to.