EMT enlisting in the military


Forum Ride Along
Ive been an EMT-I now for about a year. Ive been thinking about enlisting in the National Guard or the Army and was wondering how the signing bonuses were. Does anyone seem to have the answer to this?


Forum Chief
Recruiter is your best bet, but even then, only the guidance counselors at MEPS can guarantee anything.


Forum Crew Member
I did both active duty time and NG time in the Army. Depends alot on the MOS that your looking at. I just signed back up with the guard but decided to go Air Guard this time. Couldnt get a medic or medical slot. None open. So took Security Forces for six year enlistment with a $15,000 incentive. Your enlistment and MOS has everything to do with any incentives that you may be interested in. And make sure that the guidance counselers at MEPS show you everything in writing before you leave....LOL.....Have Fun!!


Forum Lieutenant
EMT-B2B is right on. I spent 3 years in the active army and a year in the national guard. It really comes down to your MOS. I loved my MOS in active duty (cavalry scout) but couldn't do that in the national guard so I was assigned to a medical unit with no medical training at the time.


Forum Chief
I'm no longer eligible for incentives, which makes the prospects of spending another 9 weeks at basic not too appealing.

Recruiters get you in the door but have no say on your career. MEPS counselors do ALL the work, get you the bonuses, and fill out all the contract stuff you have to lived with for the next 8 years.

PS- ALL enlistments are 8 years, no matter what. You may only do 4 as active drilling, but you are part of the military for 8 in the IRR.


Forum Vice-Principal
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Moved to Luno's Lounge


Forum Lieutenant
linuss is right 8 years total, i enlisted in the navy for 5 active (it 5 because a hospital corpsman gets about a year of training) and 3 IRR...


Forum Ride Along
The only branch where the recruiter can garuntee your job is the army and thats only because their hurting for numbers. I'm a Combat Medic in the active Army I got a 10000 bonus for a five year enlistment I knew medics that got more and I knew medics that got less it all depends on what you can get from your recruiter.


Forum Ride Along
I agree with everything said...I am a medic (68W) in the army, it all depends on what is currently available. Heard a rumor at drill this weekend that the Army is currently out of enlistment bonuses not sure how true it is, but I do believe they are budgeted/rationed by the month And if you are already an EMT with an active NREMT license, you will get accelerated in the course and count yourself lucky, that is where most people fail...passing the nremt test


Forum Lieutenant
your actually wrong, the navy also guarantees you a job.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader


Working Bum
The only branch where the recruiter can garuntee your job is the army and thats only because their hurting for numbers. I'm a Combat Medic in the active Army I got a 10000 bonus for a five year enlistment I knew medics that got more and I knew medics that got less it all depends on what you can get from your recruiter.

As stated before, A recruiter can really put nothing that matters to paper. Believe nothing, until you have it at MEPS. That is where you will know for sure what you have and where you will go!


Forum Ride Along
time for a pause...


Everything said about the jobs and bonuses is correct... the recruiter will get you in the door, the detailer at MEPS is the only one who can hook you up with your job and bonuses. If you have a good detailer they will get you a lot of good stuff, if you don't like what they have, walk away... simple as that, your recruiter may not be to happy, but they are not the ones that will have to live with your contract

As for the pause... I will tell you that serving in the military is a very good thing, good for experience, travel, maturity, and post military career. I would greatly discourage anyone who wants to join the military for the money, you have to remember we are at war. If you join (especially the Army) you will be deployed, you will be away from you family, you might get shot at, and you might die... As a 68 Wiskey, you are a COMBAT Medic (you only have a job when the s**t hits the fan.

I'm not saying that should stop you, but it definitely should give you reason to think long and hard at why you are joining the military.


P.s. If you still want to join make sure you take them for everything they are worth, because they will use and abuse you. Do you research, look at what you can get besides the MGIB and bounses.


Forum Lieutenant
i got the job i wanted, people who say the navy gave them a :censored::censored::censored::censored:ty job have nobody to blame but themselves... what a person should do before joining any branch is RESEARCH and figure out what they want to do, then they get that job and if meps says sorry you cant have this job you say "NO". simple as that!

dont forget about FMF corpsman!!!

el Murpharino

Forum Captain
The AF can guarantee you a job, or you can go in "open general", in which they pick a job for you. After you take your ASVAB, your recruiter should go through a list of jobs you qualify for based on your scores and have you select a few. Out of those jobs, one will be selected for you, and you will have that AFSC (or in the Army, MOS) specific school to attend after Basic Training.

As far as being a military medic...your EMT card will pretty much mean that you have a little more knowledge, but it won't get you through any classes quicker if you join the Army. The AF is the only service that certifies their medics as NREMT-B's...the other services have their own service-specific training (i.e. Combat Lifesaver course for the Army). That doesn't mean that it won't help you through school and it is probably encouraged if you were to be a 96-B in the Army...but as far as getting anything for having it prior to joining...I wouldn't count on it.


Forum Lieutenant
Actually standard Army Medics are certified NREMT-B and must maintain it. Combat Lifesaver is a program to introduce life saving interventions to the rest of the Army as Medic's can't be everywhere. Interventions such as NPAs, IVs, Chest decompression, tourniquets and bleeding control.

AJ Hidell

Forum Deputy Chief
As far as being a military medic...your EMT card will pretty much mean that you have a little more knowledge, but it won't get you through any classes quicker if you join the Army. The AF is the only service that certifies their medics as NREMT-B's.
Unless it has changed in the last couple of years, I don't believe that is correct. The first couple of weeks of Army 68W training was 110 hours of EMT-B, with the NR exam to immediately follow. A friend of mine was an instructor there. I don't think that has changed, although it should.

I have heard rumor that the Army is indeed allowing NREMT-Bs to go straight into MOS training, bypassing the EMT portion. I haven't confirmed that, but if true, it's a bad idea. Way too much inconsistency in EMT training in this country to assume anyone with a patch knows what they are doing. Ideally, the EMT curriculum would be integrated within the 68W curriculum, and not a separate course. I'm not sure anyone at Fort Sam is up to that task though.

But yes, the Air Force was the first service to go NR. That's where I originally got mine back in the early 70s.


Forum Lieutenant
the combat life saver for army teaches regular soldiers (not medics) IVs!!! not sure if i believe that

we as hospital corpsman are trained to teach our marines the combat lifesaver course and we definitely dont teach them IVs, but on occasion we will pick one or two of the marines that arnt pussies and teach them how to do an IV, in case we need one.

AJ Hidell

Forum Deputy Chief
the combat life saver for army teaches regular soldiers (not medics) IVs!!! not sure if i believe that
Believe it. I've taught it.