EMT Career Finally kicking off!

EMT Fan15

Forum Crew Member
Hi, I finally have found an EMS Explorer's Group at Hopatcong Ambulance Squad, meetings every first Wednesday of every month, already went to my first meeting; where we went over fundraising, then started with splinting and bandaging head injuries. Every 6 months they have First Aid and CPR Certification programs. And I believe we also go in the parades. I already got my papers, going for the Physical and shots this Summer, hopefully Sept 9th, as I turn 16, I will be doing Ride-on's, aswell as go for a free EMT-Basic Class. Wish me luck! With any questions, or disreguards I will be sure to ask.


Forum Probie
Thats awesome!! I'm hoping to do something like that this summer, but I don't think the local FD likes newbies very much- thought I'd give it a shot though as I'm 16 now (17 in Sept.). I think they offer CPR/ First Aid classes every month. I was hoping maybe I might be able to volunteer or something; really like to do something like that :)

EMT Fan15

Forum Crew Member
Thanks! Yea, that's kinda what I'm in- A class that is from 7-usually 9 or 9:30; so far at my two meetings, the first we did Splinting; and then last week we did Patient Assessment sheets. We do CPR & First Aid certifications once every 6 months. Mostly, my goal for the summer, is worrying about the shots- I believe I just need the TB Test, as I hope. Good luck! I got some events coming up for EMS aswell- We got a Hike beginning of June, and a Cope course sometime in May. I believe a fundraiser car wash during the summer aswell. I got into a Sports Med club at school; we go over the same basics- except right now we're going over Corrective excersizes of injuries. Which I have twice a month, or technically, I have one free Wednesday night availible every month. I'm abit worried about running into a day where I have Sports Med, and EMS the same night though. EMS starting at 7, Sports Med starting at 7. I'd go for EMS though; Joe'd be able to fill me in Thursday at lunch. And I have excellent grades so far, so that's a good thing.


Forum Crew Member
Hi, I finally have found an EMS Explorer's Group at Hopatcong Ambulance Squad, meetings every first Wednesday of every month, already went to my first meeting; where we went over fundraising, then started with splinting and bandaging head injuries. Every 6 months they have First Aid and CPR Certification programs. And I believe we also go in the parades. I already got my papers, going for the Physical and shots this Summer, hopefully Sept 9th, as I turn 16, I will be doing Ride-on's, aswell as go for a free EMT-Basic Class. Wish me luck! With any questions, or disreguards I will be sure to ask.

Goodluck! As a student I can tell you, ask as many questions as you can, be a sponge and absorb everything! The more you ask and help, the more they will open up and explain why they do things.

EMT Fan15

Forum Crew Member
Goodluck! As a student I can tell you, ask as many questions as you can, be a sponge and absorb everything! The more you ask and help, the more they will open up and explain why they do things.

Thanks! And believe, I have been. I've been in it for about 4 months, I'd say. And I love it. Attended I believe, two events so far. Was unable to to the Cope Course, because I wasn't signed up with the program yet, still in process of getting accepted. It's fun, I enjoy it. Next Wednesday, is my meeting. Then Friday, saturday, and Sunday, is a huge event. Can't wait. Excited. Shooting off fireworks with my friends tomorrow, and 4th of July. My advisers are helping set up a class for my CPR and Basic First Aid certifications. Hoping to complete that by the end of summer. Then 16= Ride-alongs. Doing great in the monthly trainings. Actively participates.