Dealing with Death

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Forum Culinary Powerhouse
So what if you don't call it? Your last round of CPR gets ROSC, you get them to the hospital "alive" and they "make it."

Make it to what? Very very few status CPR patients come out with full neuro function. Many end up dying just a few days later, and many many more live with permanent disabilities after that. Dealing with someone living in the shadow of death after you "saved" them is more of a burden on the family (especially a low income family)
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Forum Asst. Chief
It sounds to me like you are in the wrong job.

Everything about what you have posted screams "should not be in ambulance" to me: the reason you got into EMS; the reason you work "every pulseless patient"; considering yourself the "pinnacle of manliness"; refusing CISD; basing your treatment rationales on what you see on TV.

You grandly make out that you care "too much" Who is to say that its wrong to care? Are you saying just because I service mostly low-income folks that we should just forget about them?

Yet in the next breath you denounce sick people who are trying to get better as low life's: Sitting in a room with all the low life people I take to the hospital did nothing for me.

Step away from the melodramatic bull:censored::censored::censored::censored: of I need some way at the end of shift to erase the atrocities. I cant stand seeing their crying, lifeless faces. if this isn't just a troll or step away from the job.


Forum Probie
It sounds to me like you are in the wrong job.

Everything about what you have posted screams "should not be in ambulance" to me: the reason you got into EMS; the reason you work "every pulseless patient"; considering yourself the "pinnacle of manliness"; refusing CISD; basing your treatment rationales on what you see on TV.

You grandly make out that you care "too much" Who is to say that its wrong to care? Are you saying just because I service mostly low-income folks that we should just forget about them?

Yet in the next breath you denounce sick people who are trying to get better as low life's: Sitting in a room with all the low life people I take to the hospital did nothing for me.

Step away from the melodramatic bull:censored::censored::censored::censored: of I need some way at the end of shift to erase the atrocities. I cant stand seeing their crying, lifeless faces. if this isn't just a troll or step away from the job.

It absolutely disgusts me to see you talk to a fellow ems provider like this. Here's a guy who was humble enough and though enough of this forum to bring forth a valid problem, and you guys are calling him a troll (whatever that means) telling him to get out of the business?? Way to help a brother out.


Forum Crew Member
Trauma first aired in September of 2009... 22 months later you have accomplished EMT certification then Paramedic licensure? IF you are are missing all of your intubations then this seems like a big problem for a very very fresh medic. Just a little awkward


Forum Asst. Chief
It absolutely disgusts me to see you talk to a fellow ems provider like this. Here's a guy who was humble enough and though enough of this forum to bring forth a valid problem, and you guys are calling him a troll (whatever that means) telling him to get out of the business?? Way to help a brother out.

It absolutely disgusts me that that our industry accepts and encourages hysterical, macho nonsense from people who have taken everything they know in EMS from tv shows, who calls patients low-life's and who refuses help when its offered, so I guess we're square.


Forum Probie
It absolutely disgusts me that that our industry accepts and encourages hysterical, macho nonsense from people who have taken everything they know in EMS from tv shows, who calls patients low-life's and who refuses help when its offered, so I guess we're square.

You're incredibly judgmental and aggressive. This guy is apparently having a rough time (which I questioned at first) and instead of support, guidance or legitimate help you're just pushing him down farther. People like you, who prefer to sit in your ivory tower and chastise instead of taking newbies under your wing, are the reason new providers end up like this.


I see dead people
I am sorry, but my first reaction to reading this was, is your name possibly Frank Pierce?

If this is legit, I am sorry you are having a rough time. See a psychologist, get some help, consider a new career. However, it all seems a bit melodramatic and over the top to me.


Forum Crew Member
If you are really going through this, sorry, it sucks. It seems like you got into EMS for the wrong reasons. Thinking that every call is going to be an adrenaline packed "Save me please" kind of call is unrealistic. This may sound callous, but if they are already dead when you get there (dead dead, not dead but might come back) then you just have to accept that there is nothing you can do about it. Its not your emergency, and you do what you can (be realistic). Take some time off, use CISM, ask to be transferred to a slower truck if you need to. Sounds like you need to redefine your idea of what EMS really is. I wish you luck.


Forum Ride Along
Stay the course

First, I hear a lot of weakness on the board. Fact if you are the pennacle of manlieness at your work..Fact...I have found from personal experience that you should continue drinking ---because this will only help this perception. If you go through the depressive not drinking will really hurt your rep and you wont get out very much with your friends because they will be drinking having a good time....and you wont. So keep the brews coming your way.
Secondly...its about time someone else realized the significance of trauma. Good pick up, and good for you for getting into EMS. The only thing chicks dig more than a guy that can hold his liquor is a guy in uniform. I heard a lot of negativity over this as a "life choice based on a tv show". Screw those people. Youre living it up and Im sure getting some pretty hot chicks. All from watching the show, being smart enough to see something you wanted and going into EMS...thus now getting all sorts of pretty ladies now that's what I call results.
If these other people can't hack it...dont worry about it and don't take their advice. Fact death sneaks up you and takes you faster than a carjacked Mercedees in the can either be all teary eyed abou it or you can be partying with some hot chicks living a bad *** life in a hot tub when its your time. I don't know about u my brother but I say turn on the bubbles and Party ON!


Forum Chief
Sweets, this isnt tv, this is real life.

You dont always try. There are injuries incompatible with life. Miracles dont happen, good people die young and tragically.

Its not "if you just got there sooner", its "i did my best, they died. I didnt cause their death but i did my best to prevent it and now im clear to help someone else"

I think the healthiest thing you can do is put down the bottle, go to aa, and find another career. You dont seem equipped to deal with the emotional side of EMS. And there is no shame in that.

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk


Forum Ride Along
I was told in my class that everyone deserves a chance. That some trauma arrests come back with enough drugs and cpr. I just cant stand sitting back and doing nothing.

TRUE. Except for like if they had an Indiana Jones momenet and this dude just ripped my heart out with his bare hand


Forum Deputy Chief
Waaaaaaah!! I got into the ambulance service because I thought it would be cool like on TV and it's not, waaaaaaah!

Boo hoo shut the hell up and go away before Brown vomits blood everywhere


Forum Crew Member
most of the comments in this thread are by users with 10 or less comments,
my money is on all of them being created by the same person for trolling purpose, I've seen it done on many a forum.

(nevermind that I have very few comments, these are not the droids you're looking for)


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
most of the comments in this thread are by users with 10 or less comments,
my money is on all of them being created by the same person for trolling purpose, I've seen it done on many a forum.

(nevermind that I have very few comments, these are not the droids you're looking for)

That has not escaped my attention, and I am monitoring the situation.


Forum Captain
I went to NA for my tylenol addiction and that did nothing for me. Sitting in a room with all the low life people I take to the hospital did nothing for me. I have watched all the intervention shows and know about that kind of thing. For me it wont work though. I need some way at the end of shift to erase the atrocities. I cant stand seeing their crying, lifeless faces.

First I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this. Second you need to remember a couple of things; first you're not alone and second there is no magic instant fix. This has probably been building up for a while and it will take some time to get back to a healthy mental state. Someone said earlier that asking for help is the hardest thing you can do and I agree. There's some good advice on here and I highly urge you to seek it out.

One thing you said stuck out to me and I can't let it go. You said "For me it won't work" Why do you think it won't work? Are you giving it a chance? How many meetings did you go to? What about it do you not like? Is it the program that won't work or are you not letting it help you? You don't have to respond to these questions just something I hope you seriously consider.

I really hope you seek out professional help. Just because you go to talk to a mental health professional does not mean you are weak. The macho bulls$!t in this profession can be a killer. Best of luck to you.


Forum Burnout
Premium Member
most of the comments in this thread are by users with 10 or less comments,
my money is on all of them being created by the same person for trolling purpose, I've seen it done on many a forum.

(nevermind that I have very few comments, these are not the droids you're looking for)

EXACTLY what I was thinking. This is ridiculous and complete BS.


Forum Ride Along
I can't hold my tongue anymore.... If you all think caring too much is a crime, I'm guilty as charged as well. This guy just wants to give everyone a fair shot at surviving. We can't be playing God out there, dooming people to death when we can work their pulseless body... read some medical journals people


Forum Chief
We can't be playing God out there, dooming people to death when we can work their pulseless body... read some medical journals people

Sure we can, and do all the time. I'm going to go out on a limb and say you've never worked an MCI and as such never had to deem someone a black tag, eh? They were "doomed to death" when their heart stopped, not by us using medical education to deem whether or not to work it.

The medical journals all advocate for field termination of CPR if criteria is met. That criteria can be as simple as decapitation, or something such as asystole for a long period of time with minimal EtCo2. Read the medical literature yourself.

Considering in a medical cardiac arrest a Paramedic can do every single thing a Physician can... there's no reason why we shouldn't make the decision out in the field, whether it's to stop CPR, or not begin it in the first place.
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Forum Chief
I can't hold my tongue anymore.... If you all think caring too much is a crime, I'm guilty as charged as well. This guy just wants to give everyone a fair shot at surviving. We can't be playing God out there, dooming people to death when we can work their pulseless body... read some medical journals people
Yup. Read some medical journals and see how working codes is not recommended with injuries incompatible with life.

We dont work hoping for miracles.

And no one berated him for caring, they did so for him being foolish, judgmental and unhealthy.

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk
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