Competence and alcohol


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
We had a policy at college where students would not be subject to disciplinary action if they called 911 for a friend who was drunk, in order to prevent the culture of not calling because you didn't want to get in trouble. There was no policy in place for refusals, but I allowed a few students to refuse if they were alert/oriented, not currently puking their brains out, and had someone to stay with them.

If I had 911 called on me and I was only 4-5 beers deep, I would be all kinds of furious if they tried to force transport.

We finally got an amnesty policy two years ago. Prior to that there were stories of college administrators picking students up from the ED with a phone pre-dialed with their home number to "tell your parents what you just did." Then you would likely be suspended.

We didn't have anyone die, but people were going through great lengths to hide seriously intoxicated students from college staff. You will still be forced to attend a substance abuse education program.

yes, it As I said, the policy is enforced by campus PD. The city cops don't care (and for the record, neither did we). So as long as no one calls campus PD, the policy isn't enforced. But if campus PD is driving down the city street, and get involved (or requested city city pd).....

PD has an old habit of telling drunk people they have two options: go to jail in handcuffs or go to the ER. On campus, security used to say go to the ER or go to judicial affairs, where you can be suspended or expelled from the university. More often than not the patients were in the back of the truck before we were.

Our campus safety is quite attentive in the neighborhood where most off-campus students live. They find drunk kids and call an ambulance, and if a police dispatcher finds the caller to be a student, they will forward the call to them. As a result, being off campus does not mean the college will have no idea you were transported, which continues to cause kids to make poor decisions.