College Credit for EMT Course


Forum Probie
Has anyone taken an EMT-B course at a hospital or a place that was not an accredited institution (i.e. not a community college etc.) and then petitioned to receive credit for the course from their college/university? I am 1 semester away from graduation and learned I need 2 more credits in free electives. I was going to try and petition my school to have the course count but I wanted to see if anyone else has done this and if so if there was any advice out there. Thanks!


Forum Crew Member
I think it depends on the college. Here in Michigan I got credit for my EMT Basic class and will be able to get it for my Advanced EMT class. All I had to do was give the school a copy of course completion certificate, national registry card and state card. Also, I has to pay 25 dollars and I received the credit for the EMT Basic class.

But, again I don't know about other schools. My best bet would be call the community college or whatever school your interested in and talk to a counselor. They will be able to answer your questions and what their requirements are for receiving credit.