Certification EMT-B from Indiana to Florida


Forum Probie
I am so confused about the reciprocity process for Florida. AHHH!!!!! Every time I call the EMS office I get even more confused because they give me a different answer. I ask simply that if you have not gone through the process yourself or are not POSITIVE on your answer please do not throw your 2 cents in and confuse me more, lol.

I just completely my written exam and practical skills exam for Indiana on 7-24-10. I moved to Florida immediately following. I want to know if it is possible for me to go ahead and apply to take the Florida test now or do I have to wait until I actually get my certification in the mail? I feel it makes since in my head to think that I should be able to submit a letter saying a completed an EMT course and that should satisfy the requirements it would be just like I took the course here in Florida. The application states that you can take the exam if you have completed a FL approved EMT course. How do I know if the course I took in Indiana would meet the requirements of the Florida course?

What has confused me most is the last individual I spoke with at the Florida EMS Office said it would be easier to wait until I get my Cert from Indiana because then I could just apply for my Florida License and I wouldn't actually have to take the test because Florida would approve my license just because I had the cert in Indiana. I am just getting really frustrated because these are the people that you are suppose to call with questions and they don't seem to have consistent answers.


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
The way you explained it makes perfect sense to me, I'm not sure why you're confused.

Wait until you get your Indiana cert and then go through the registration process in Florida.

My first Google result: I'm certified in another state, how do I become certified?

Or, if you will have your NREMT: I hold NREMT certification, how do I become certified?

This is exactly what you posted.

1. If you already have your NREMT then you can apply for a Florida EMS license.
2. If you are certified in another state then you can take the Florida test and be licensed.

It looks like you don't have your Indiana license, nor do you have your NREMT cert, so you'll need one of those before you proceed.


Forum Lieutenant
Are you certified as an EMT-B with the NREMT? I believe Florida requires that before you can apply to be certified in the state.


Forum Deputy Chief
N0, out of state EMTs can apply for reciprocity provided they submit the proper form which is to be completed by their home state who originally certified them.

All EMT B trained in FL are National as that is the only test option.

Dustin...dude you need to simmer down bro, remind me of a puppy on a chain. Your recent move from Indiana certainly explains the volunteer in Orlando thread now.

I applaud your enthusiasm but make it easy on yourself. Wait until you have the cert from your home state, then send them the form from the DOH website, then start your FL process.

I always have to ask in situations like this, was your move a spur of the moment decision? If it was a planned move, do you think you over looked a thing or two?

But anyways, just chill out a bit as you have already learned the job market is bad for EMTs in Orlando, you are a month of more away from having the legal papers to work, you are thinking about dual degrees at same time (which I do not think they would allow), you my friend are "all over the map".

Take a moment, breath, regroup..focus on getting a job (Non EMS) if you don't have one already. Get your paperwork done properly and sent to right people the first time, so you do not waste time and become more frustrated. Focus and decide what your next step is going to be. We already know it is not going to be volunteering.

If it is nursing, then start looking at hospitals, find a job within the hospital. You would be surprised at how many of them treat you well and even pay for advancement through scholarship programs.

If it is EMS or Fire, preferably both if you want a career in central Florida, then start looking at the fire academies at the colleges, look at paramedic programs at the colleges. Start taking the steps to ensure you are prepared for a career.


Forum Probie
Lol I am not going crazy dude and no need for you to judge my life. I didn't make the move spontaneously and I have a job. I am just excited and have lots of questions. Thought this forum was to discuss those questions but it seems it is just to ask for your advice. Just no need to attack and not looking for a life coach I got my stuff together.
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Forum Deputy Chief
Lol I am not going crazy dude and no need for you to judge my life. I didn't make the move spontaneously and I have a job. I am just excited and have lots of questions. Thought this forum was to discuss those questions but it seems it is just to ask for your advice. Just no need to attack and not looking for a life coach I got my stuff together.

1. I never said you were going crazy.
2. I did not judge your life, I merely shared my perspective based on what you provide.
3. I asked questions to better understand you and maybe to hint at your lack of preparation prior to the move.
4. I applauded your enthusiasm, have seen it many, many times over the years and I gave sound advice.
5. I did not attack.
6. Your stuff is not all that together or you would not have questions that range from EMT to nursing with everything in between. You are seeking knowledge, advice, information or wisdom. By posting on a public forum, you are inviting everyone to respond and you must take it, both good and bad if that is how you perceive it.

It is a shame that all you got out of that was negativity. And the "newbies" wonder why the "old geezers" stop responding.
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Forum Probie
1. I never said you were going crazy.
2. I did not judge your life, I merely shared my perspective based on what you provide.
3. I asked questions to better understand you and maybe to hint at your lack of preparation prior to the move.
4. I applauded your enthusiasm, have seen it many, many times over the years and I gave sound advice.
5. I did not attack.
6. Your stuff is not all that together or you would not have questions that range from EMT to nursing with everything in between. You are seeking knowledge, advice, information or wisdom. By posting on a public forum, you are inviting everyone to respond and you must take it, both good and bad if that is how you perceive it.

It is a shame that all you got out of that was negativity. And the "newbies" wonder why the "old geezers" stop responding.

I felt the comments about having my life together were attacking and judgemental as you were assuming that I didn't. This forum is not to judge people or have them attacked for being aggressive with questions. If you are annoyed by mine then simply don't reply to them. I am confused how you have any accurate perception of my life from a total of 3 threads I have placed on this forum. Don't have them time of patients to bicker with you and keep up with this thread as you seem to. Thank you for your 2 cents minus the assumptions about my life.


Forum Deputy Chief
I felt the comments about having my life together were attacking and judgemental as you were assuming that I didn't. This forum is not to judge people or have them attacked for being aggressive with questions. If you are annoyed by mine then simply don't reply to them. I am confused how you have any accurate perception of my life from a total of 3 threads I have placed on this forum. Don't have them time of patients to bicker with you and keep up with this thread as you seem to. Thank you for your 2 cents minus the assumptions about my life.

Wow! You are quite defensive, even after a simple explanation.

As I stated and tried to explain, I meant no ill will. You posed questions, I have done my best to answer them, especially since I know the area and you get irate. I also tried to explain that I can not judge you, I can only form an impression based on what you have written since joining. Sorry but that is life...

Never did I attack you for asking questions, twice now I believe I said I applauded you for enthusiasm.

If I were annoyed, I would not respond and try to assist you. Then you can sit and complain how no one tries to help instead of taking all information and then deciding yourself which parts are useful, but be grateful people were interested enough to try and help you.