Care ambulance San Diego Orientation


Forum Ride Along
I worked for SD CARE for 1.5 years and let me tell you I had the greatest time of my life! Sarcasm aside, the way the company is ran is COMPLETELY inappropriate. So positive first, I learned a lot about EMS and what to do and not to do on calls and I learned the county fairly well. The negatives... Any time you are 1 minute late for work you are forced to call the "operations manager" and tell him you are late. Then he will belittle you and make you feel like a piece of trash for about 20-30 minutes then hang up on you. If you have to call out sick for any reason then you can expect the same treatment except he tries to guilt trip you by saying your partner will be sent home since they have no one to work with. I had this happen to me as I was throwing up WHILE running a call and I was trying to call out of my shift the next day. On top of that the micro-management of the company is worse than most kindergarten classes. Asking to get out of the rig to urinate and being told "no" is imo illegal and just cruel. I saw a post about it being the "top CCT program in SDco".... That is the largest load of horse dookie I've ever read. It's a laughing stock and working ANYWHERE else including Pineapple Express, will get you more respect. Management is immature and holds grudges. I have been cussed out over the radio while we had a ride-a-long for something that someone else with the same name did. Then when I tried to point out I wasn't that person I was immediately shot down. If that's not enough, there is a policy that if one of the "owners" doesn't like someone, then their rig will be the ":censored::censored::censored::censored::censored:" crew and run back to back calls if they're the closest to it or not. I've seen one of the "owners" screaming at a crew member in the middle of the lot while we were checking out rigs in order to prove a point to everyone. So all in all working in SD as long as I have the best advice I could give to anyone would be to AVOID THIS PLACE AT ALL COSTS! Plus, with them saying "if you do what you're supposed to, there won't be problems..." trust me when I say it's a load. Anyways stick with smaller companies like the North County places like AirCare, Americare, or even Pacific and your experience will be 100x better.


Forum Ride Along
so if they treated you so bad and like a piece of trash like your saying? why were you so dumb to even stay there for 1.5 year? haha pfff i would have been gone since the first month hahaha


Forum Ride Along
I worked for Care for about a year. Wasn't the best, they must have liked me because I never experienced anything like being screamed at in the lot. If a certain CCT manager who's name rhymes with McTool is still there, watch out. Stay on her good side and you'll be fine. If you get on her bad side, you're screwed.

When did you start having to ask to pee? I would have peed in the back of the rig is they tried to pull that crap with me.

Anyways, I ended up quitting because I got sick of their unprofessional, overbearing management. Have fun!