Big Interview


Forum Ride Along
Alright guys and gals i need some help here

for the past year I've been working full time for a small Basic Life Support service south of Rochester.

i recently got invited to test and interview with one of the biggest BLS services up in the twin cities. this job would fast track me to paramedic and pay for all my schooling. the testing and practical part is next Wednesday. I emailed the gal whose in charge of testing and hiring about what to wear for the testing. she replied "what ever you feel is appropriate"
does anyone know what this means? since i'll be doing practicals i feel i should wear my uniform (BDUs) on the other hand its an interview so i feel i should wear my Sundays best.

any help on what i should be wearing would be greatly appriciated. this job is the break i've been waiting for and i cant screw it up.

thanks in advance


Community Leader
Honestly, how about a pair of dark khakis and a button down shirt (with or without tie)?


Forum Crew Member
Wear a suit. Bring your work clothes in a hanging travel bag. Surely there will be a place to change.


Forum Probie
Wear a suit. Bring your work clothes in a hanging travel bag. Surely there will be a place to change.

This is exactly what I was going to say. best of both worlds.

good luck!!!


Forum Deputy Chief
For the life of me, I will never understand those people that show up for interviews wearing other agencies uniforms, student uniforms, or tshirts from Podunk FD.

It is not professional and it is in poor form to show up like that. From experience, the candidates that stand out are the ones that are well dressed. You look most professional and most competent upon that crucial first impression moment, which can never be redone once its been made.

Dressing nice shows you care about the job and you care about yourself. Dressing down does nothing than give off the appearance that you are unprofessional or may even be indifferent as to whether or not you get the job, because you already have one as displayed by your poor choice of wardrobe for that day.

Always, always wear a suit, but if you do not have one, can not afford one, then go with the next best thing which is khakis, shirt and tie. If you do not have a decent shirt and tie, you better wear a decent button up shirt or nice polo. ANything less, you are screwing yourself.

Do not borrow a suit if it fits poorly. You are better off doing slacks and a button up than wearing an ill fitting suit.

Having said all that, bring a change of comfortable clothes for the practical if you feel the need.

For the record, aside from FD physicals where we get nasty, dirty sweaty, I have never had to change clothes for an EMS job and it's practical testing station.

Whatever the task they ask, I can do regardless of what I am wearing. Get on your knees and do scenarios on the floor, no big deal. So my knees may get slightly dirty, whoopeee...I am here to get a job I want...screw the pants.

Lift testing, no worries there. Carry bags up three flights of steps, again no worries there.

Basically what I am saying, is there is very little required at most EMS practical stations that would require you to be in something other than the pants you are wearing. And you do wear pants on the

To sum up, skip the "I am already in EMS' look, I have BDUs, I have tshirts and jeans...forget all that.

If I wanted a job bad enough and they told me to roll around in a mudpit wearing my suit, I would do it. Thats what dry cleaners are for after I get that first check...LOL.

Dress to impress and show you give a damn.