Been a while


Forum Crew Member
I have been gone from this site a while. So much has happened. AFter a very long illness, my husband passed away in May and I am of course having a horrible time dealing with it. What was the most comforting of this situation, which we knew was coming, but came too soon, was that though he was DOA the medics on scene were instructors in my paramedic program so it helped to have wonderful medics who I already knew and trusted. And just to confirm what I already knew, its refreshing to know that those who teach can REALLY do. And do very very well. So, since than I had no choice but to jump back in, and am now beginning my paramedic schooling. I go back and forth with the should I or shouldnt I routine. But My husband would not have wanted me to just wallow. I wasnot in a situation where I had the luxury of taking too much time off or allowing my fears to get me. I am finishing up the last two prerequisites for getting into the paramedic program. its been tough, I am battling depression and anger. Somehow I am managing fairly well, but its difficult. I soooo need a break. But I have teens that need my help and with their drama and mine, I just got to go on. So hopefully I will keep checking in from time to time. Next stop...ADVANCED TRAUMA. I am not worried about pharm...but I am terrified with trauma. Any advice?


Forum Lieutenant
I have no advice as I'm just starting school myself, but I want to offer my condences. I'm sorry you lost your husband.


Still crazy but elsewhere
Just keep your ears open and take notes

Ask questions here, by PM if you want or need to, we've got a heluva panel.

You know my mantra...use your friends, get professional help if it will help. In all arenas.


Forum Asst. Chief
Distracting injuries come in two forms:

Those that are distracting your patient from a bigger problem (e.g. femur fracture masking a c-spine injury, etc.)

Those that distract you from a bigger problem.

Be careful of both, especially the second one. Take a deep breath and proceed in order. ABC... etc.

As mycrofft said. Post questions here.