Bay Area EMS


Forum Ride Along
I'm a pretty new paramedic currently working for a company in Arizona. A friend of mine from a previous job recently moved to the Bay Area of California and has really been talking it up. He loves it there and he's been trying to convince me to move to that area. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been entertaining the idea. Of course I know the cost of living out there is astronomical so I am wondering if medics make ok money out there, or if they have opportunities to get OT. Of course it'll be another several months before I really start to consider this, as I want to get at least a year of experience before I start looking but basically I'm wondering if I could survive on medic pay in that area. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


you should be able to survive, but not in SF or any of the cities near by. (SF rent is ridiculous even with roommates) the hard part is getting a job though. Rural Metro and Paramedics plus rarely hire. In fact have a waiting list of I believe 46 or so (medics) that theyll go through hopefully before the end of the year. Santa Clara County has some of the most annoying and expensive regs to getting certified. AMR hires every so often and pay is great from what im told ($24 an hour) which after OT and such comes out to a pretty decent paycheck. The closer you get to SF the more expensive rent will be but a lot of people commute or take public transportation. .

Moving a bit east toward Marin, Sonoma, Solano area rent gets a little bit better, and depending on where you work commuting shouldnt be too hard. pay is about the same
Medic Ambulance medics get $24/hr with built in OT, AMR same, Protransport makes 22/hr starting but OT is only 30 mins after your shift is supposed to end (they are renegotiating their contract so this may change) and Falck (Mendocino, some in Sonoma) pays depending on shift length (ie 8 hr shift-23/hr 12 hr shift-20 (?) both with OT after 8, DT after 12 and 24 hr (most of their shifts) are 17/hr with OT after 40 working a kelly schedule. in SF theres AMR (same as above, since their union) and King American Ambulance (not sure what they pay but atleast 20-21/hr)

Anything besides that im not too sure. Not exactly the bay area but Sacramento has a crap ton of private companies and pay varies from 10-23/hr depending on where you work.

any more questions let me know and ill try my best


Forum Lieutenant
I work for Paramedics Plus and they usually hire every few months. They have hired people with no experience, but youre much better off if you do have some, whether its in hospital, BLS or ALS somewhere else.


I work for Paramedics Plus and they usually hire every few months. They have hired people with no experience, but youre much better off if you do have some, whether its in hospital, BLS or ALS somewhere else.

off of a list? last i heard i was in the 30s for medics but that was a few months ago. know anything about an academy in dec jan? or scheduling/pay? Id like something full time but gotta start somewhere


Forum Lieutenant
They seem to have academies every few months, and when I got hired, I talked to Jared Mullins (their recruiter) on the phone. Ive heard he can be a hard man to get a hold of though so be persistant. As far as going FT, a friend of mine there has been trying to go FT for a long time and is still trying, so dont hold your breathe. Its all based on when there is an opening and where you are on the seniority list.