Any adviceeee? :(


Forum Probie
I wanted to always be in the Medical field so when I saw the opportunity I jumped at it. On May 6, 2011 I had what little money I still haven't spent from my taxes ($1250 with narrowing $100) to enroll in EMT-B school before May 9th in which it would have been too late.

So I did that, loved the class, had a rough start wasn't getting the hang of the testing, how could you blame me in a class full of PA-Students and other health care fields personnel, yeah I was the one who was like "What's that?" Always!!!

So I passed the class and my skills exam on July 27, 2011 the feeling is a great one!
But every one in my class has yet to take the NREMT and become licensed and able to start work...

Here's the kicker...

BECAUSE the program director found fraudulent paperwork in our class he decides it a PERFECT time to audit the LAST FIVE EMT class... ALL AT ONCE!
I am the only student really pushing the issue and contacting the school and what's going on the Program Director hasn't given us students any insight about what's happening, we were left in the dark until I called my teacher the other day and he filled me in.

I contacted the Corporate Director about this with a response saying she'll let me know what the hold up is in a day or so. If that doesn't work the CEO/President is the next person I shall email.

Sorry about the ranting and raving but I feel like I am losing information waiting on this guy to get his **** together. This is my life line I am waiting on here and I can't get any confirmation.

Sorry this is so long.


Forum Chief
Double post!

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Forum Chief
Darn you JP *shakes fist*

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