Another Driving Record Thread! Please Help!


Forum Ride Along
So I am currently in medic school and should be finished with class and clinicals in about a year.

However, I'm worried about applying for medic jobs. I'm 21 and have two accidents (both minor, but both are my fault) 1 resulted in a ticket with no points. By the time I get out of school the accidents and ticket will all be two years old (I'll be 22).

So give it to me straight. How much trouble am I going to have getting a job?

Thanks for the help guys.


The New Beach Medic
Not good, but I don't think impossible either. In my area, you have to wait until >3 years for your tickets, points, or accidents to be ignored from your driving record unless it's a DUI. At my previous company, I believe you were allowed only up to 1 accident AND 1 ticket, or up to 2 tickets with no accidents within 3 years, no suspensions, or no DUIs within 7 years. In my state, the driving record shows 10 years, so having anything on it within 10 years isn't good because it is evidence that you may not be a safe driver (speeding, running red lights), you may not be a defensive driver that was unable to avoid an accident even if not your fault (perhaps driving to close, unaware of your surroundings), or unable to use sound judgement / aren't responsible eg having a DUI or reckless driving. I think 21 or 22 years old is still young, and may make your employer think that you aren't responsible.

It's best to contact the companies you wish to apply for to find out what they allow. Sometimes it may ask you on an application eg "Do you have more than 2 points on your driving record within the last three years, any DUI, or suspensions on your driving record? Check yes or no."
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Forum Crew Member
Not good, but I don't think impossible either. In my area, you have to wait until >3 years for your tickets, points, or accidents to be ignored from your driving record unless it's a DUI. At my previous company, I believe you were allowed only up to 1 accident AND 1 ticket, or up to 2 tickets with no accidents within 3 years, no suspensions, or no DUIs within 7 years. In my state, the driving record shows 10 years, so having anything on it within 10 years isn't good because it is evidence that you may not be a safe driver (speeding, running red lights), you may not be a defensive driver that was unable to avoid an accident even if not your fault (perhaps driving to close, unaware of your surroundings), or unable to use sound judgement / aren't responsible eg having a DUI or reckless driving. I think 21 or 22 years old is still young, and may make your employer think that you aren't responsible.

It's best to contact the companies you wish to apply for to find out what they allow. Sometimes it may ask you on an application eg "Do you have more than 2 points on your driving record within the last three years, any DUI, or suspensions on your driving record? Check yes or no."

In nys your record clears after 3 years....except for dwai/dwi I belive that is 7 or 10....not entirely positive though.


Forum Ride Along
:sad: Yeah I kind of figured the outlook would be bleak. I know others in my position have been hired, so can't be to pessimistic.

Thanks guys


Forum Crew Member
I've worked for several companies who either didn't make a big issue of the driving record or had a policy along of the lines of 'no more than 1 accident/ticket within the last 12 months, no more than 2 in 3 years' type of thing. It really just all depends on the company. I've heard of some that are more strict than others, so based on where you live in the country and how many different services there are, just apply to as many places as you can and understand that you may not get an offer from your first choice.

Also, if it really becomes an issue and you're striking out everywhere, consider working in an ER or another hospital-based job, at least until enough time has passed for your driving history to clear up. Everyone has their own opinion about working in the emergency dept, but I think there's a lot to be gained from having some experience in this environment.


Forum Ride Along
Thanks for the help. Its unfortunate that my state doesn't let medics work in the ER unless your working as a tech. But hey it may be nice start fresh.


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
I'd make a new email and anonymously contact the places your interested in to see what they say. That, or call them on Monday. I find that most places are honest and up front about their hiring practices.