AMR San Diego

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Anyone here work for AMR San Diego, and if so have any thoughts about the current "situatoin"? just wondering.
So what is happening in San Diego? :blink: Hey didn't you just get hired there? I can't remember so let me know.
Yeah... Fill me in. I'm in the Eastern Region, but I'm curoius.

Union trouble? Fraud/Billing trouble? Contract trouble?
hey sorry it's taken me so long to post again, been busy.

the situation at amr is that our contract (emt and medic) ended on nov second, and the union and amr are having alot of trouble comming up with a new one.

emt start out at 8.45/hr, which for being in san diego doesn't even pay rent, it qualifys all our emts for housing assistance from the gov. actualy. and amr is offering a whoping .60 raise, the union is asking for 4.00, and it doesn't look like anyone is going to budge.


so everyone is talking strike, and we are working to "rule" meaning the union doesn't want us going above and beyond for the company. then the company cancled our shift bids, because that was part of the contract, so really everything is going to hell.

I'm not a big union guy, although I would love a bit of a raise, but everyone is just fed up right now. anyone been through this type of thing before?

Which union are you guys with? NEMSA? IAEP? SEIU?

Good luck.