Ambulnz Health, LLC (Los Angeles County)

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Nationally Certified Wannabe
"Looking out for the young bucks?" Really? By fighting to keep the industry from progressing and keeping EMTs trapped in non-livable wages of ~$11hr? Someone asked earlier if I'm a field EMT (which I'm not), I support recruiting for all our roles from EMTs, Medics, iOS devs, QA engineers, Digital Analysts, ect. I do however see all of the payroll reports of our EMTs on the model making at the very least 48k (one person), multiple individuals over 85k, and the the average around 60k+ which I think is amazing. I also am friends with many of the EMTs we hire and stay close to make sure the onboarding proceed is smooth and we're doing the absolute best possible. As a recruiter my professional reputation and integrity is just as much on line as the company. And as with every company I've ever recruited for my goal is to only present roles if it's a solid step for a persons career- advancement, more money, better environment, ect. I wouldn't be involved if I didn't see for myself that Ambulnz is changing the industry, has their heart in the right place, and is offering a real chance for hardworking EMTs to drive their career forward, make great income, and have fun at it.

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What is amazing is that none of you fancy talkers answered any of the questions that we've been asking, for the last 10 pages or so. Or maybe it's out of character ? Remember, your professional reputation and integrity is on the line here !


Forum Crew Member
"Looking out for the young bucks?" Really? By fighting to keep the industry from progressing and keeping EMTs trapped in non-livable wages of ~$11hr? Someone asked earlier if I'm a field EMT (which I'm not), I support recruiting for all our roles from EMTs, Medics, iOS devs, QA engineers, Digital Analysts, ect. I do however see all of the payroll reports of our EMTs on the model making at the very least 48k (one person), multiple individuals over 85k, and the the average around 60k+ which I think is amazing. I also am friends with many of the EMTs we hire and stay close to make sure the onboarding proceed is smooth and we're doing the absolute best possible. As a recruiter my professional reputation and integrity is just as much on line as the company. And as with every company I've ever recruited for my goal is to only present roles if it's a solid step for a persons career- advancement, more money, better environment, ect. I wouldn't be involved if I didn't see for myself that Ambulnz is changing the industry, has their heart in the right place, and is offering a real chance for hardworking EMTs to drive their career forward, make great income, and have fun at it.

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Forum Deputy Chief
"Looking out for the young bucks?" Really? By fighting to keep the industry from progressing and keeping EMTs trapped in non-livable wages of ~$11hr? Someone asked earlier if I'm a field EMT (which I'm not), I support recruiting for all our roles from EMTs, Medics, iOS devs, QA engineers, Digital Analysts, ect. I do however see all of the payroll reports of our EMTs on the model making at the very least 48k (one person), multiple individuals over 85k, and the the average around 60k+ which I think is amazing. I also am friends with many of the EMTs we hire and stay close to make sure the onboarding proceed is smooth and we're doing the absolute best possible. As a recruiter my professional reputation and integrity is just as much on line as the company. And as with every company I've ever recruited for my goal is to only present roles if it's a solid step for a persons career- advancement, more money, better environment, ect. I wouldn't be involved if I didn't see for myself that Ambulnz is changing the industry, has their heart in the right place, and is offering a real chance for hardworking EMTs to drive their career forward, make great income, and have fun at it.

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Yea that's all fine and well. What you failed to state is how. The companys aquired did not have the best reputations NOR the management and the field employees. By the way love the thanks giving food give away vide of the emt with the gloves hanging out of the pocket and the zoom in. Real professional. What is he a mechanic or an emt? Thats like leaving your shirt untucked. It's all fine and dandy to improve, to make more to succeed. What has failed here is to explain HOW repeatedly. Your not getting it? You're using a basic mdt app claiming to have uber capabilities. Any 911 call center with good tracking has that capability. It's nothing new. Buying the crapp of the crop and claim to pay emts more than the market rate which we discussed and again everyone laughed at because its BS, you again failed to state how you are simply paying outrageous wages. Your treating it like you got the secret sauce recipe for in n out when we all damn well its thousand ranch dressing. You raise alot of red flags that show the same failures as the little dialysis companys that got big too fast and were fraudulent.

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Gavin Burnett

Forum Probie
Yea that's all fine and well. What you failed to state is how. The companys aquired did not have the best reputations NOR the management and the field employees. By the way love the thanks giving food give away vide of the emt with the gloves hanging out of the pocket and the zoom in. Real professional. What is he a mechanic or an emt? Thats like leaving your shirt untucked. It's all fine and dandy to improve, to make more to succeed. What has failed here is to explain HOW repeatedly. Your not getting it? You're using a basic mdt app claiming to have uber capabilities. Any 911 call center with good tracking has that capability. It's nothing new. Buying the crapp of the crop and claim to pay emts more than the market rate which we discussed and again everyone laughed at because its BS, you again failed to state how you are simply paying outrageous wages. Your treating it like you got the secret sauce recipe for in n out when we all damn well its thousand ranch dressing. You raise alot of red flags that show the same failures as the little dialysis companys that got big too fast and were fraudulent.

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Ok so now you're down to trying to flame us for how we operate at our volunteer thanksgiving food drive where we pitched in our time and resources to deliver over 250+ free meals to families in need. Man, I can't even...

Guys if you want to ask any and all questions about our business model show up for an interview, it's how every single other innovative company operates and our door is open.

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Family Guy
Ok so now you're down to trying to flame us for how we operate at our volunteer thanksgiving food drive where we pitched in our time and resources to deliver over 250+ free meals. Man, I can't......

Guys if you want to ask any and all questions about our business model show up for an interview, it's how every single other innovative company operates and our door is open.
And with THAT, mods may I once again politely request we revisit the idea of closing this thread once and for all?!

Dan Louk

Forum Probie
My point exactly. False promises that are unrealistic and unsustainable (or digestable).
The only thing unrealistic and unsustainable (or digestible) is the income EMTs make out there today. Ambulnz is the ONLY company able to figure out how to get EMTs to earn a respectable and sustainable income.


Family Guy
Ambulnz is the ONLY company able to figure out how to get EMTs to earn a respectable and sustainable income.
Ok, so initially I tried remaining neutral and playing nice. I've mainly watched and observed this debacle, but this right here!? I'm sorry, NO!

I, as a "career" EMT-paramedic never had the "honor" of working for ANY of the companies you've absorbed, nor will I EVER plan to. Most of the people asking for the business model (a fair question might I add) are still within reach of the SoCal EMS game, this thread has only added to comfort my personal decisions to leave SoCal EMS.

As @Qulevrius pointed out, if you had any business sense you would not approach the people on this forum who are not only seasoned EMS personnel this way, but also viewed as credible in the eyes of pretty much everyone but all of your "reps". You've basically squandered your idea to sell your product to all of us, but don't say something like that. I very much make a respectable and sustainable income. What you have done with such a statement is prove your guys' worth.

In the words of Edward R. Murrow- "Good night, and good luck."



Forum Ride Along
Quality patient care starts with a smile. Care for your patient as if it's your family member.



Forum Deputy Chief
The only thing unrealistic and unsustainable (or digestible) is the income EMTs make out there today. Ambulnz is the ONLY company able to figure out how to get EMTs to earn a respectable and sustainable income.
And once again....WHERE IS THAT MONEY COMING FROM? Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't LA County EMSA regulate things like billing, I.e. an ambulance company can only charge so much for a BLS transport? That combined with insurance providers are only paying out fractions of what the companies bill them...where is all this extra cash coming in from? What are you guys sending Russian gangsters out to threaten to bust people's kneecaps if they don't fork over 2 grand for grandma's discharge to the nursing home?

The problem is that you guys are literally saying an 18yr old fresh out a high school can take a 150he semester long course (that can be done in 4-6 weeks) and then earn more money drib


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
The problem is that you guys are literally saying an 18yr old fresh out a high school can take a 150he semester long course (that can be done in 4-6 weeks) and then earn more money drib

This. How can a 18 year old that takes a 150 hour basic entry level class able to make just as much as a firefighter paramedic and a law enforcement officer. That requires more training, skill, and time then it takes for a simple EMT course.

Keep the thread alive, this is very entertaining.


If you have nothing to contribute to this thread then leave. Stop with this hashtag crap, its like your job fair. No one cares.
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