45 yom, unknown medical problem


Dances with Patients
1130 on a Tuesday, you're dispatched 3 dues away for an unknown medical problem. Caller states pt wasn't acting right, and now has an altered mental status. History of MI and HTN.

During your response, first responders arrive and upgrade the call to a cardiac arrest, then correct themselves and states that the patient is unresponsive with snoring respirations.

On arrival, you find the 45 yom unresponsive to painful stimulus, with fast, deep respirations, airway is clear, he accepts an NPA. Skin is hot, red and sweaty...it's about 80 in the room, and a hot day. You see a couple of scrapes on his elbows and the lateral side of one hand.

Initial vitals:
P: 138
BP: 230/124
R: 32, deep, BBS clear
T: 99.8
SpO2: 86% RA
CBG: 164

You talk to the family, and they say they aren't too sure what happened, he'd been feeling weak and crabby all day, and was sitting in the chair when he stopped responding. Some minutes later, after first responders were there, he somehow fell out of the chair. The family present is the patient's mother, who is not a very good historian, and doesn't have many deatils. She is able to fill you in on his PMH:

MI 2 years ago, with 4 stents placed
HTN, poorly controlled

Clonidine 0.3 mg tabs QID
Lisinopril 40 mg BID

When you get him up on the stretcher, he regains consciousness enough to pull the NPA, yank at the oxygen mask, and generally be a little combative. His gaze is empty, and he is aphasic.

In the ambulance the head to toe looks like this:

HEENT: Pupils are 3 mm L/2 mm R, R facial droop, no JVD in high semifowlers, no trauma noted
Resp: BBS clear and equal, respirations still deep and rapid, mild accessory muscle use
CV: Skin warm and moist, no longer red. Radial pulses are bounding. BLEs mottled and dusky, cool and pulseless. EKG Sinus tach, no ectopy, no signs of ischemia or infarct on 12 lead
Abd: Firm with ascites, no masses on palpation, liver is palpable well below the costal margin.
GI/GU: No incontinence, no reported GI complaints.
Extremities: As noted, with mild abrasions to BUEs. No movement of RUE, pt is combative with LUE.

You're an hour from the closest hospital, 25 minute ETA of closest helicoptor. You're on the truck today with your BLS partner, and the BLS first responders look at you and say "what do you need?"


Flight Nurse
Any peripheral edema? Musty Odor to breath? jaundice?
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Dances with Patients
Any peripheral edema? Musty Odor to breath? jaundice?

No peripheral edema, odor of ETOH on his breath, mild jaundice.

Pts mother states that he has had "two beers" today. Ah, the usefulness of "two beers..." :)


Flight Nurse
No peripheral edema, odor of ETOH on his breath, mild jaundice.

Pts mother states that he has had "two beers" today. Ah, the usefulness of "two beers..." :)

That was my next question haha pupils fixed at 3/2 or reactive? Heart sounds?
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Dances with Patients
Just kind of a shot in the dark you said there were abrasions, any recent history of a fall?

All the family can say is that he had no fall, just somehow fell out of his chair. It may have been witnessed, but they are freaking out.


Forum Lieutenant
The hypertension added to the right sided weakness and facial droop makes me think stroke or tia. However...I feel that is too simple.

Sounds like it might possibly be Acute Kidney Failure:
The Jauidice, AMS, the elbows, the fall could have been caused by the loss of sensation,,,I do not know.
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I know a guy who knows a guy.
Blurred vision? Headache?

Oh that's right. He's aphasic. :/

Hypertensive crisis followed by a CVA?


My guess is gonna be sepsis. Do you have a lactate meter on board?
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Flight Nurse
The hypertension added to the right sided weakness and facial droop makes me think stroke or tia.

My first thought too, but it would expect the patient to be bradycardic and have irregular respirations with increasing ICP. The pulseless lower extremities Is very interesting along with the suspected hepatomegaly and jaundice. I think it will end up being a cluster of multisystem problems. I am trying to think how hepatic encephalopathy would present, it may explain the Neuro and liver problems mixed with pre-existing HTN and maybe a little ETOH abuse mixed in
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Community Leader Emeritus
Sounds like he has portal hypertension. Encephalopathy, a HTN crisis, or CVA/TIA are the 3 main things that come to mind.


Flight Nurse
Stupid Ipad
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Forum Burnout
Premium Member
Yeah, but that's too obvious for a scenario ;) I like Chase's theory of hepatic encephalopathy.

Has the patient been feeling ill or acting different lately? Temp? EtCO2?

Combative, S/S of brain injury, AND interfering with treatments? Somebody just bought themselves a tube :)

I'm assuming you aren't going to be nice enough to give us blood work? :p Chem panel, LFT, nothin'? :(
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Flight Nurse
How is that tube going to effect his ICP......I'm guessing heavy on the meds
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Forum Lieutenant
Yeah, but that's too obvious for a scenario ;) I like Chase's theory of hepatic encephalopathy.

Has the patient been feeling ill or acting different lately? Temp? EtCO2?

Combative, S/S of brain injury, AND interfering with treatments? Somebody just bought themselves a tube :)

I'm assuming you aren't going to be nice enough to give us blood work? :p Chem panel, LFT, nothin'? :(

This is true. However, the Peripheral edema is missing...did you catch any smells from the feet?


Flight Nurse
This is true. However, the Peripheral edema is missing...did you catch any smells from the feet?

True but she did state that the lower extremities were cold, mottled and pulseless. So something seems to be going on


Forum Lieutenant
True but she did state that the lower extremities were cold, mottled and pulseless. So something seems to be going on

For sure lol.....

Did you get a second or third set of vitals?
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Forum Burnout
Premium Member
How is that tube going to effect his ICP......I'm guessing heavy on the meds

Not as dramatically as him fighting you treating him. Vec, fent, and versed should work nicely. Now he's not fighting, and you can control his airway and breathing.


Dances with Patients
The hypertension added to the right sided weakness and facial droop makes me think stroke or tia. However...I feel that is too simple.

Probably too simple. ;)

Sounds like it might possibly be Acute Kidney Failure:
The Jauidice, AMS, the elbows, the fall could have been caused by the loss of sensation,,,I do not know.

Not renal failure.

Blurred vision? Headache?

Oh that's right. He's aphasic. :/

Hypertensive crisis followed by a CVA?


My guess is gonna be sepsis. Do you have a lactate meter on board?

Lactate is 1.8.

My first thought too, but it would expect the patient to be bradycardic and have irregular respirations with increasing ICP. The pulseless lower extremities Is very interesting along with the suspected hepatomegaly and jaundice. I think it will end up being a cluster of multisystem problems. I am trying to think how hepatic encephalopathy would present, it may explain the Neuro and liver problems mixed with pre-existing HTN and maybe a little ETOH abuse mixed in

How might hepatic encephalopathy present?

How might ETOH abuse come into this situation?

Sounds like he has portal hypertension. Encephalopathy, a HTN crisis, or CVA/TIA are the 3 main things that come to mind.

A person with a list of 3 differentials! Woot! Can you expand it any more?

Yeah, but that's too obvious for a scenario ;) I like Chase's theory of hepatic encephalopathy.

Has the patient been feeling ill or acting different lately? Temp? EtCO2?

Combative, S/S of brain injury, AND interfering with treatments? Somebody just bought themselves a tube :)

I'm assuming you aren't going to be nice enough to give us blood work? :p Chem panel, LFT, nothin'? :(

As you're pulling out of the driveway, the wife hops in the front seat, so you start all over with her on the history. The only additional info you get from her is that he's been on vacation, and has been extremely motivated about getting long-term projects around the house that he's been putting off done. He's been in a good mood until last night and today he has been feeling like crap. No real specific symptoms, just "sick."

So, you decided to transport by ground because you know as well as the next guy that you can beat the helicoptor to the hospital, even though it's going to be an eternity until you get there.

He remains hypertensive and tachycardic for another 40 minutes, desatting off of oxygen at 4 liters. No real change in his condition, until you cycle the cuff one time and this is the new set of vitals:

BP 108/58
HR 134
RR 22
SpO2 98 (4L)

Mental status remains unchanged, assessment also basically unchanged.

When you call the hospital, what are you going to say? You're headed for a community hospital with a full range of services except trauma, and the university medical center is an additional 15 minutes away. Do you want to change the destination?

You still have 20 minutes left in this ride when you got this set of vital signs. There are 2 closer hospitals you're planning to drive past in order to get to the one you've chosen. Do you want to pull into one of them?

Is this guy gonna die today?