2 Firefighters fatally wounded when responding to call

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So, let me get this straight.....

The guy beats his grandmother to death with a hammer, and is:

A) Released from Prison

B) Allowed to acquire firearms

I'm more pro-gun than most, and I don't get how this guy was able to be released, then able to mass firearms.

Wish the best to the surviving families.

The guy beats his grandmother to death with a hammer, and is:

A) Released from Prison

B) Allowed to acquire firearms

I'm more pro-gun than most, and I don't get how this guy was able to be released, then able to mass firearms.

Wish the best to the surviving families.


Most likely, he got them illegally or from family members but we don't know yet. It is dangerous to assume that he was just able to go out and purchase them.
Most likely, he got them illegally or from family members but we don't know yet. It is dangerous to assume that he was just able to go out and purchase them.

From what I read it is illegal for felons to possess firearms in NYS, so I doubt he was able to purchase them legally.
The guy beats his grandmother to death with a hammer, and is:

A) Released from Prison

B) Allowed to acquire firearms

I'm more pro-gun than most, and I don't get how this guy was able to be released, then able to mass firearms.

Wish the best to the surviving families.

I thought the same thing, about being released from prison.
I think we need to approach the mental health of a lot of Americans, before we address gun control. All gun control will do is put guns into the hands of criminals and away from the law abiding citizens, but not going to go to far with that, because it always ends bad with the mods, haha.
As far as mental health, though, like I said, that's obviously a bigger problem, when people would rather kill dozens and then themselves, rather than just themselves.
I think the place to start that is to have psych evaluations in prison, which means, when they are released, they go to a mental health institution, instead of going to the streets.
I think they should go after a prison term, though, because the courts would see every other plea as "insanity."
I would agree

Yes, I would hope he was not able to obtain through any kind of legal process, sure the anti's will have another field day with this one.

A real shame, especially at this time of year.

Most likely, he got them illegally or from family members but we don't know yet. It is dangerous to assume that he was just able to go out and purchase them.

That was my guess when I heard of the criminal record.

Waiting to hear the whole story
My New York friends in LE state several burglaries in the area where firearms were stolen.
This story makes me sick to my stomach. Thoughts and prayers with the families and department this Christmas.
Yes, I would hope he was not able to obtain through any kind of legal process, sure the anti's will have another field day with this one.

A real shame, especially at this time of year.


Its not a case of being anti or pro anything, its about using common sense to tackle a real problem that undoubtedly results in part from the laxest gun laws in the industrialized world.

Its certainly not coincidence Australia hasnt had any gun massacres since they tightened their gun laws substantially after the Port Arthur Massacre in 96.

Im tired of people insisting guns arent the problem simply because they are worried it will impact or inconvenience them personally. It is what it is.

If people think nearly 30,000 gun deaths a year and the occasional school massacre is an acceptable price to pay for the ability to own military grade weaponry, then come out and say that instead of pretending its not part of the problem.
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Its not a case of being anti or pro anything, its about using common sense to tackle a real problem that undoubtedly results in part from the laxest gun laws in the industrialized world.

Its certainly not coincidence Australia hasnt had any gun massacres since they tightened their gun laws substantially after the Port Arthur Massacre in 96.

Im tired of people insisting guns arent the problem simply because they are worried it will impact or inconvenience them personally. It is what it is.

If people think nearly 30,000 gun deaths a year and the occasional school massacre is an acceptable price to pay for the ability to own military grade weaponry, then come out and say that instead of pretending its not part of the problem.

Cite your source for that claim, please.

But remember, this forum is not for debating gun control. If you want to do that, do it elsewhere.
Its not a case of being anti or pro anything, its about using common sense to tackle a real problem that undoubtedly results in part from the laxest gun laws in the industrialized world.

Its certainly not coincidence Australia hasnt had any gun massacres since they tightened their gun laws substantially after the Port Arthur Massacre in 96.

Im tired of people insisting guns arent the problem simply because they are worried it will impact or inconvenience them personally. It is what it is.

If people think nearly 30,000 gun deaths a year and the occasional school massacre is an acceptable price to pay for the ability to own military grade weaponry, then come out and say that instead of pretending its not part of the problem.

I guess Switzerland where you are legally required to own a gun and citizens are military trained is not an industrialized country?

Oh by the way they have one of the lowest of not the lowest in crime rates in the world.

Fact is the myth of gun control has done little to reduce homicides in Australia.

It is a waste of tax dollars simar to our war on drugs and punishes lawful law abiding citizens.
Last warning -

This forum is not the place to debate gun control. If you want to do that, go elsewhere.
That works. I just don't like seeing unsubstantiated claims tossed around.
This isn't going to go well with mods, but I, also, do not like to see false claims thrown around.

* Roughly 16,272 murders were committed in the United States during 2008. Of these, about 10,886 or 67% were committed with firearms
Your stat was for all deaths by guns, including suicides and accidental discharges.
In D.C. when handguns were outlawed in the mid 70's, the death by gun rate steadily increased until the point where it was 78% higher than the rest of the U.S.
This law was struck down in '08 and the deaths significantly dropped, granted, they were slowly dropping before hand. This chart is available on my linked site.
Also, I will admit that when Chicago did the same law, their homicide by gun rate dropped 17%, but still remains 25% higher than the rest of the nation.
Homicide in Florida dropped 36% when the right to carry handguns was passed.

A 1994 survey conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that Americans use guns to frighten away intruders who are breaking into their homes about 498,000 times per year
That's the biggest part for me.
I personally think that guns shouldn't be able to be sold so easily through private owners.
Here in Az, you can buy a hand gun at 21, but through a private owner, legally, at 18. I'm 18, don't really look it, went out a few weeks ago and bought a new Glock for my birthday. Seller didn't even check my I.D. I made him write up a bill of sale and I ran it through the Sheriff's dept, to make sure it was clean. But, that showed me just how easy it is to get one.
And done. If the first thing you post after a mod warning is "the mods aren't gonna like this" that pretty much automatically ensures the topic will be locked.
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