
  1. wilderness911

    An evidence based analysis of bee stings, and why the best tool to remove a stinger is your fingers.

    I originally put this post together because one thing I have encountered in my work is a plethora of bad information regarding the best practices for management of various bites and stings, both in the field and in the clinic. So on to the subject of this post; an evidence-based debunking of the...
  2. wilderness911

    Snakebite in the backcountry: What to do, what not to do, and an evidence-based debunking the myth

    I originally wrote this to try and educate the masses on two important issues: (1) an evidence-based smackdown to illustrate why the sawyer extractor has no business being used for anything except botfly extraction and (2) to provide a solid set of recommendations for what you should and should...